Aaah! Help! I'm panicking!

The 4 came off in my keyboard! I know posting a thread about it seems stupid but I’m desperate! I don’t want anyone else(in my family) to know about it or they’ll take the computer to those (morons, probably, don’t want to type anything 'bout last time) uh, people, at CompUSA! I own a laptop. Te key didn’t break, it just snapped off like it was supposed to do that. How do I snap it back on? THANK YOU!(There are 13,000+ members in this website, someone else has to have had that problem)

First thing to do: DON’T PANIC! I panicked!

Second thing to do: (?)

Take some time to examine how it’s held on, you should be able to figure it out.


Would you be offended if I laughed at your situation? Cause either way, I already did.

Dude, just put it the rite way, then sorta bang on it, it should go in.

No, actually, I wouldn’t, part of the reason I’m so panicked(most of it) is because the situation is so stupid…I panic when stuff breaks in a stupid way. :stuck_out_tongue: Oh, and thanks habbywall. I’ll try.

That’s what she said.

I was wondering if anyone would turn that sexual.

AHH! Now it broke completely! I’m not sure what I did wrong, but I already did it…If I could go back in time and prevent that from breaking I’d definitely do it!It broke in the stupidest way…I was writing down something on a notebook and when I took it out I took the 4 with it. So stupid…

EDIT: What do you mean, habbywall? Andy is short for Andrea, the Spanish female name for Andrew(Andres, in Spanish)…Of course, I’m not expecting you to learn a language to understand a nickname…and that’s what iTools is for! :stuck_out_tongue:

ok, the same thing happened to my “N” key once.
on the back there should be 2 little white things that kind of hinge. on the place where the key conects there should be little hook kind of things. the edges of the white thingies are suppoesd to link into the little hooks. you may want some tweezers. unfortunately, the back of my N key was broken so now its permanently off.

Pull off several more to figure out how they are supposed to snap on. That’s what I did after my daughter spilt Coke on the keyboard. Actually I removed the Keybord completely and ran it through the Dishwasher. Seriously. After it dried completly, I reassembled it. That was like 6 months ago. So if anything caraps out now, I’ll just get something new, since I saved the $100 it would have cost to replace the keyboard.

So…Can I run my Laptop through the sink? :stuck_out_tongue: I’m kidding, I don’t own a dishwasher, and the computer I’m talking about(more specifically) is a Compaq Presario M2000 (laptop) but thanks! Now I know what to do when I rip the 4 off of my sister’s computer… :roll_eyes:

Keyboards are cheap. Unless it’s part of a laptop or something, you can get lots of keyboard choices for under $30. Fancier ones cost more. I prefer a wired keyboard and mouse so I don’t have to deal with batteries.

Or, if your broken 4 won’t snap back on, what about glue? But don’t use glue if you’re panicking…

that must suck!

when i was 5 i ripped all the keys off my dad’s keyboard. it took him a while to resassemble them all by going into word and typing one key at a time.

Yeah, I could use glue… :roll_eyes:

EDIT: Yeah, it sucks, 1, 2, 3, metaly space, 5…My sister didn’t notice anything suspicious when I put my hands on top of where the 4 should be and the other where it IS while she was getting dressed and asking me questions about what I like for breakfast…She knows all about my weird positions! Except that last one, she knows nothing about that.

Mine is a laptop. I just pulled it all apart, then ran the keyboard only. Still working.

'K…They’d still notice, rats! If only I had a toolbox and a copy of Fixing the key you just ripped off and broke for dummies lying around in the Dear Dumb Diary-type mess I have in my room…

I remember reading about you doing that, bugman. seems like more than 6 months ago, though.

one of our kittens was walking along my desk, and then walked onto my laptop keyboard. when i picked him up to remove him, he took the D key with him. laptop keys are much harder to get on than on a regular peripheral pc keyboard.

every time I type anything with a D in it I have to push a bit harder than normal to make sure it registers.

Dude, if the 4 came off, then how did you type the number 4?


You just push the little rubber nub. Pull one off it’s easy.