You’d be surprised how many people can’t figure this one out…
Dr. Smith and his son Arthur go out for a drive in the car. They have an accident and Dr. Smith is killed instantly. Arthur is in a critical condition and is rushed to the hospital. He’s about to be operated on, when suddenly the old surgeon says, “Wait, I can’t operate on this man, he’s my son!”. How can this be?
Ask you friends…it’s pretty funny seeing how many of them don’t get it.
I got that riddle o’k Andrew. Had to go away for the moment and come back to re-read it again. A very good one. I Know some Jokes but not riddle’s if I can think of some.
riddles make my head hurt… either that or falling down.
you are downstairs in a two story building. there are three light switches downstairs and three light bulbs upstairs. it is not immediately obvious which light switch is connected to which light bulb. can you think of a way to determine which switch corresponds to a light bulb by only going upstairs once?
some guidelines:
you can’t take apart the casing. you can’t see the light from upstairs when you are downstairs. you don’t need to break anything or cut anything.
Aired: October 7, 1972
Gloria tests Mike and Archie’s male chauvinism with a
riddle that stumps the men but is easily answered by Edith.
Thanks for the link. I got the riddle from “The Cosby Show”. Another intersting thing was that yesterday I saw an episode of the Cosby Show with a ver young Adam Sandler in it.
Someone hinted about other senses. So are you suggesting flipping one switch on and waiting for the bulb to get hot, then switching it off. Then turn on another switch and climb the stairs?
The lit bulb is the second switch you flipped on. The hot bulb is the one you had turned on and off. The cool bulb is the one that was left alone.
But what if the ceiling was too high to reach the bulbs?? Is there another answer? Nobody said anything about a window… Perhaps you could turn the light on and run outside and look up into the window. Now that is smart! Or you employ an energetic child to run up the stairs for you and then you need not climb the stairs at all!
Or, you could always go hop on your muni, ride up the local hill with a telescope, and figure things out from there. That’d be more fun. Or, finally you could just say the hell with it, turn on all the lights, and go have a burrito. I’m hungry.
you have a canoe that will only hold you and one other item.
The three items are… a chicken, a fox, and a bag of corn.
Nothing is to get wet, not even you, and you can only bring one thing across at a time.
You are able to keep tabs on the items, but if you leave the fox with the chicken, the chicken will be eaten. If you leave the chicken with the corn, the corn will be eaten.
How do you do it?
Answer below in light coloured print, only look when you are frustrated.
bring the chicken across. go back and get the fox. when you drop off the fox, bring back the chicken. pick up the corn and leave the chicken there. drop the corn off with the fox, come back and get the chicken.
3 answers: First, you hop on your 12 ft girraffe and carry all three across in a sack, second, you sell the chicken and buy a real boat. Third, you carry the corn across, then the fox, and finally you eat the chicken.
I think I know the lightbulb one. You turn on one, leave it on for about five minutes, then you turn it off and turn on another one and go upstairs.
You know the first one you turned on is the warm one that is off, the second one you turned on is the one still on, and the remaining bulb is the remaining switch.
Here’s a goodun my friends like:
A man without eyes
saw plums on a tree
he did not take plums
and he did not leave plums
How can this be?
Also, I know the answer to the doctor one. Can I say it?