Finally completed my writeup, in case anyone’s interested, and incase they’re tired of following the old thread… Warning: a lot of words.
Great write-up and photos, Steve, and I think it was dead-on factually as well.
I’d love to try it again next year, too. I’d bet that we can get even more uni’ists.
Very nice Steve. Like you… I was bummed about not riding the full 100. As it turns out though… I successfully and unintentionally rode my first metric century! I know I said I wouldn’t do the ride again, but with a little more training I might be up for a second attempt next year.
Great writeup steveyo!! That gives me a whole lot of inspiration as I attempt my first metric century road ride a week from this Saturday. I’ve ridden 50 miles on single track trails at a 12 hour mountain bike event, but this is something entirely different. Hopefully easier!!! Never the less if there is anyway I can make it up your way for a full century attempt next year I’m game… Perhaps we can find something more midway?? I’m in the DEEP SOUTH unfortunately
Hey Steve great write up! I too look forward to being back there again next year, hopefully with being able to complete the full 100!
Sweet! Congrats!
I think this should be one of THE events of the year for unis. 25 or 50 would be cool, and possible because everyone can ride as little or much as s/he wants.
That was a great write up. I cannot imagine going that far on a uni. I am still trying to get 20 miles to feel easy. You guys are studs! Keep the write ups coming. they are motivating.
You’ll find long rides are more time-consuming, but less demanding than off-road. Good luck on your metric!
It would be great to hook up for something. With our Panama Evo of Balance trip coming up, I’m afraid my uni-travel is used up for a while.
Great to ride with you Andy! Next year it is!
Thank you Steveyo! Great write-up, enjoyed reading. Like that lady said, “You guys are rock stars!”.
I strongly agree, it would be awesome to have like 25 unicyclists in something like this!