a random thought....

say you were in jail for along time, dont you think a uni would be fun to have?

Not as much as a bitch and a shank would be.

Not as much fun as a length of rope and an overhead structure.

Re: a random thought…

That’s such a cool random thought!


How did you think of this? Were you sent to your room for a long time – and you wished you had a uni? (j/k)

Re: a random thought…

Yes, definitely.

well then, i am ready for jail!

Or a long grounding confined to your room.

say you were in jail for along time, dont you think a uni would be fun to have?
But damn, you have a broken leg and can only look at the unicycle.
Now you need the length of rope and overhead structure. (shoe laces will do in a pinch)

Say you couldn’t take it out of your cell though. You’d come out of jail world expert in idling, stand stills and hopping.

Oh, yeah, I am sure you are ready for the fun that ensues in jail. Nobody is ready for jail. Unless perchance you have an unlimeted supply of ciggarettes and about… 6’ of rope hidden in your anal cavity.

That could be quite uncomfortable, trying to ride a unicycle with six foot of rope stuck up your arse.

even more so…trying to hide your unicycle…

…or trying to ride your unicycle having “picked up the soap” the day before.


Yes, that is correct. if you drop the soap, DON’T PICK IT UP!!

The techincal term is shive. The act of stabbing is shank, but the actual weapon is a shive.

You would get great av flatland uni-tricks, since you cant do much more than that in the 6’*9’ room of yours. :smiley:

You could take it out in the exercise yard and do trials on the weights and stuff.

Hate to disagree, except when you’re mistaken :slight_smile: The weapon counts…

From Merriam-Webster:


5 slang : an often homemade knife

  • shanked /'shangt/ adjective

I love Merriam-Webster online: http://www.m-w.com/. It’s a great backup resource for when JJuggle is offline.

This is an important thread as we could all potentially end up inside, all it takes is one ‘You’ve lost a wheel’ too many and that could be enough to flip out and commit murder, I should know it happend to me but I think I got away with it, but even in the UK you will still get a maximum of 6 months for murder, (I know it sounds harsh) which is a long time to go without riding.