A new take on an old question

I was looking at the concertina.net forum and found a question, “What is the connection between clowns and concertinas?”

Just as unicyclist sometimes despair about the widespread perception that the unicycle is for clowns, concertinists wonder why all those pictures and porcelain figurines of clowns have concertinas.

A separate thread in the same forum asks how many conceritnists ride unicycles…

I was sure if it was relevant, but on balance I thought I’d squeeze it in.:wink:

The mighty JC, who crosses many skill set boundaries when it comes to the circus arts, is of course also a great master of the accordion. This should come as no surprise.

Accordeon? As in piano accordeon?

Piano accordeon is to Anglo concertina as 27 speed mountainbike with front and rear suspension and hydraulic disc brakes is to unicycle. :sunglasses:

I don’t play the concertina or accordion, but I do play a bit of ukulele(just transferring my guitar skills). That’s another clown’s instrument, isn’t it?

I’ve never tried unicycling and playing the ukulele at the same time, but I’ve done it with the guitar, I think. It’s easy.

Why does it take you so much verbage to say “similar”?

I’ve always associated the concertina with drunken sailors.

It probably would take a lot for me to say similar, because verbiage is what I do best. :o But the concertina and accordeon only appear similar to those who don’t know what they’re looking at. Anyway, I was fishing for a bite from JC, not from you.:stuck_out_tongue:

So watch this guy.


My favorite acordian clip
