A Moment to reflect...

A “moment” in time:

Every “Moment” counts:

“A Moment” to cherish:

A Senior “Moment”:

wait…just ONE “Moment”:

Spanish version: “Una Momento”

And finally, this is a “Moment” to reflect:




senior moment.jpg




Hmm, she must be very “cranky”, LOL! :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh god. Lol.

Did you know that’s a double-jointed thumb you’ve got there. Slightly cranky :smiley:

Ok, where’s maestro8 when we need him? :wink: :smiley:

Yeah, Gosh knows we can’t have any fun in this forum! Especially considering that my thread post contains no profanity or other pg-13 to R rated content…what was I thinking! :roll_eyes: :wink:


Yep, that’s a sure sign…you’ve “groan” old! Smile, loosen up, have a laugh! It’ll do ya good! :slight_smile:

PS: You should now officially change your name to John Fossil! Lol.:wink:

Shouldn’t that be Señor Moment?

Were you having a Senior Moment when you thought these up?

“This is the Moment” (sound clip)


Nope. The “Senior moment” is as it should be. The “Una Momento” is the spanish version of “One Moment”. There is no “Señor Moment” in American vernacular, (or otherwise) so I am using actual, well known phrases and words, and not making up phrases to try to make the joke “fit”. Bad form and lazy. :slight_smile:

Haha I made a thread with moment crank puns a while back, (which you also posted a comment to in 5/08, lol)

I tweaked yours to this:

Calls KH factory: BRING…BRING

Uhh hi, I’m having some problems with [ONE] of my cranks

Just [one] “moment”?

Please, i’ve already been on hold for an hour!

:smiley: :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

i believe it would be un momento because momento is masculine and you would have to put the Spanish singular indefinite article in the masculine form as well.

Then why add the hat and mustache to make the joke fit? The unadorned crank above would have been more accurate.

The anthropomorphic pic of the crank is much more condusive to Señor Moment.

We’re thinking way to hard about this…(resisting urge to use emoticon or make a useless poll).

Yes YOU are lol! Just go with it! :slight_smile:

Yep, it’s ‘un momento’.

Introducing the new Kris Holm Window Winders. :smiley:

Give me a moment to load it here. :stuck_out_tongue:




Memento. Ahem. It has the same root as the word memory, not moment. (sorry it’s a pet peeve) :o


A must see!!!