a little home made modle of a uni and other home made projects :D

lol i was bored so i decided that i would make this its made out a pop can sodder black tape paper clips and a pen cap for the hub its pretty cool lol but is kinda stupid but just wanted to show you guy lol also it would be really cool if you guys would post some of your own creations and projects would be neat to see what everyone is up to take care everyone :smiley:

I’d say now is the time for you to stop sniffing glue.

lol i hurt me back like 4 days ago and now i haven’t been able to uni so im board out of my mind :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s quite the creation. I hope your back feels better.

See if your camera has macro mode or something else for up-close pictures.:slight_smile:

lol thanks yeah i hope my back feels better too it is starting to get really annoying :frowning:

Yes, we’re annoyed, too.

I can see that.

I think you could use similar materials and make a better camera than the one you used there. Being able to use it for phone calls would be optional… :smiley:

sorry you felt the need to comment :stuck_out_tongue: say what you should act 31 if that’s your real age :roll_eyes: