Hey hey everyone…
So here’s my situation… I met a girl (isn’t it always about a girl?), but this story is more about a girl who managed to fall in love with Unicycling… but who can really blame her? I spent my summer away from Toronto, where I am now, and back home where I got some good Muni riding in (Some pics: http://tinyurl.com/6pwq7 ). The last few weeks of my summer a girl I worked with decided that watching me ride my unicycle wasn’t fun enough anymore, and she wanted to try for herself. Well… she had been bitten by the unicycle bug, in fact there wasn’t much I could do to get it away from her after that!
Now I’m back in Toronto, and she’s out east in New Brunswick, and all she wants to get her hands on these days is a Unicycle! It is my hope that someone out there has an old Muni lying around that they are willing to part with… she’d like a Muni because she’s bound and determined to ride througout the winter in New Brunswick, and after I showed her George Peck on Universe 2 there is no convincing her that she’ll do otherwise! Finances are where things get in the way… as most people know after being a starving student for awhile, and she’s not sure she can afford much more than $150. So if anyone has an old Muni they are willing to part with, as long as it’s rideable, or any other suggestions as to what she can get her hands on that would be great. If you could drop me an email (cckilian@cmcc.ca), or post here if you could help me out that would be awesome. Thanks so much!