A jump on my uni!

This is a ramp to ramp gap that i did with my neighbours jumps. I thought its pretty big so i posted it up.

Tell me what you think.

Jump.doc (959 KB)

Nice! But you should get it on video!

Is it just the 1 pic??? cause if it is. Nice work my friend. :smiley: :smiley:

yeah its just that pic. the camera had no battery left, so my BRUDDA took that picture but then the battery died.

It’s still a good shot, regardless. :smiley:

:astonished: thats gotta be the biggest air i’ve seen on a unicycle! (off a ramp…)

As soon as I read BRUDDA, I was thinking, “he must be Aussie”. I looked at the location and sure enough. Good jump.

Me 2 and that is definitely a good pic there Municycler. :smiley: