A Few Trials Clips


I went on a cool little trials ride in a local park on Sunday, and took my digital camera and captured a few videos. One was a 32" sidehop (a personal record). Another was a ~21" hop to an armrest followed by a ~13" hop to a ledge. The final was an awkward 39" (near my record) pedalgrab onto a large square column. It was awkward because I had to make sure not to hit a stair on the prehop. I also ahve a ~5’ gap on video, but it’s nothing special so I won’t bother putting it up.

The link is: http://gallery.unicyclist.com/album294 . The videos are titled like “32” sidehop," “39” pedalgrab," and like “armrest jump to ledge.”


Awesome stuff. I liked the hopping and landing on the armrest perpendicular to it. Very nice.


That was the hardest line. The first jump was easy, but then going to the next jump immediately was very hard. Big hops are hard due to the amount of practice it takes to get them, but by the time you get over 30" it seems they become a function of strength more than technique. The pedalgrab was just intimidating.