Brad and I are in the process of installing rope lights in a spiral pattern on his bedroom ceiling just to make a boy’s room more of a boy’s room. It’s a pretty neat effect. Next comes black lights and lava lamps as well as some redecorating. We built him a loft last summer that he’s pretty proud of. We’ve got better pictures of the loft at
It’s not specifically boyish to me, but the effect is very nice anyway.
Is it bright enough to serve as main room lighting? From the photo it doesn’t like it is, but possibly the camera is fooled by looking directly into it.
It is bright enough to allow Brad to see quite clearly and even read his magazine on top of his bed. It’s not nearly as bright of course as the main room lighting which is what we were shooting for. We wanted it to be a cool effect to show off to the neighborhood kids.
We installed an electrical outlet in the ceiling just behind his ceiling fan light fixture and a switch on the wall next to the main light switch. Worked out well.
The one other addition we made was a sign on his “high up” loft that says, “Welcome to Mt. Wannahockalugi” borrowed of course from the Finding Nemo movie.