They need not be members of our forum, but I’ll start here:
JJuggle is an Atheist living in an Calvinist world (or did he move?).
BluntRM is a Marxist living in a Capitolist world.
Steveyo is a Progressive living in a Reactionary world.
Gilby is a visionary living in a blind world.
Harper is a nuclear physicist living in a Nuclear Free Zone.
WickedBob and UniSLAB: Veganophobes living in a vegetarian world (or vegetable farm)
Hahaha. I think it is BillyTheMountian: Vegan living in a meat loving world (or cow processing plant)
Goats riding upon unicycles: a fag living in a redneck county.
I would think area. There are plenty of places in the usa that are not “redneck”. That is just me though and my opinion. I know there are national laws that make it seem to be a redneck nation so your opinion has ground. Either way.
1 Like
he said county not country
I am a f*cking retard. shakes head in shame
Aw, no you’re not. You just glanced over it quickly.
county and country are only different by one letter.
Aw, no you’re not. You just glanced over it quickly.
county and country are only different by one letter.
Yeah I am. Goes and looks for hooked on phonics
A smalltown girl living in a lonely world
a city boy born and raised in south Detroit…
September 4, 2007, 4:00am
Hazmat - A weird and unusual Greek Cypriot Australian living in Australia.
Huh? I’m not a veganphobe, or whatever you said. I just think eating plants forever is silly.
Takes the midnight train going aaaaaanyyyyyyyywheeeeeeeeeeere
Is this thread getting hijacked by song references?
Living in a material world
And I am a material girl
Tobbogonist is a god living amongst men… (world)
just a little demi-god. like maybe the god of charcoal? splinters? or even maybe aubergines?
A singer in a smoky room, A smell of wine and cheap perfume
James Potter: A threadjacker living in an anti-terrorist task force world.
For a smile they can share the night, it goes on and on and on and oooooon!!