A Bit Of Fun

open google.com
type Weapons of Mass Destruction
(the capitalisation is important)
hit the ‘i’m feeling lucky’ button

yes, i know
read it

hahahahahahahaha! :smiley:

Re: A Bit Of Fun

I’d seen this one but didn’t know that Google turns it up as number 1 hit.

No capitalisation doesn’t matter.

Klaas Bil

It just said the page cannot be found for me.

Look closely

The error page is not what it seems.



hahaha thats clever who made it do u reckon? i like the george bush bit coz i hate george bush!


how did u fine that out?

Ohh! I get it! That’s a goodun.
On the site nerdparadise.com, the 404 error page is like that. Go to http://www.nerdparadise.com/whatever-you-want-to-type-here-to-make-it-not-work-and-go-to-the-404-error-page
Just copy and paste the URL into the address bar.

Re: hahahahahah!

You hate him! He’s suppost to represent every american! What an ass! no wonder the world hates us.

Don’t you think you’re a little young to be hating presidents?

You can’t be too young to have an opinion, can you? I agree with Treepotato. And you have to admit, aside from the fact that he started this war, George Bush is quite an idiot. He reminds me of Dan Quayle.

What a naive remark. The world doesn’t hate Americans, some places hate what people representing America do, but the feeling is not necessarly directed at every citizen. If America was like Iraq’s previous regeme, then it would be compulsory for 100% of the people to love the president, or at least say they do. America has so called “freedom of speech” which Treepotato was exercising quite nicely, although using quite emotive language, it is a fair point of view to take. The president puts himself in a position to be either loved or hated, and can expect remarks from either category. I think the asses are the people who blindly follow without question. Think for yourself, question authority. The democracy is intended to allow people to have some influence in selecting the people who govern. The decision was made with less than 50% of the population favouring Bush (I assume), so that is plenty of people who should be allowed to have a negative view of him. Good on you Treepotato for speaking your mind, don’t let the blind patriots quell your voice.

Re: hahahahahah!

I am surprised you wrote that. He speaks very highly of you. :smiley:

priceless, absolutely priceless
go to the front of the class potter, may only good things happen to u, allways
i’m still laughing

anyway, back to the tomatoes…

America is not a democracy…it’s a federal republic, the reason there is an electoral college is because all a democrat has to do to win is go to big cities like NYC and Chicago and they win the popular vote. Yes i agree it is stupid to blindly follow the Government. But i agree with Bush on most things, and he’s a christian so i like him even better.

Finding the truth hidden amongst lies

I do not think you quite understand the word democracy. America is a federal republic that uses a democratic voting system. Read the dictionary and find out for yourself.

This sounds very familiar to the popularity Saddam gained during his regime by cynically adopting Islamic observances. I do not trust George W. Bush after his extensive use of propaganda to promote his cause for war, as well as proudly bombarding his enemies with propaganda. If Bush was really trying follow Christian beliefs he would observe the teaching “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. I doubt Bush would have appreciated Saddam coming and bombing America, and changing the regime to a dictatorship. What about “Thou shalt not kill”? Is declaring war a justification to kill for Christians? Or is it ok because Bush is sent non-Christian soldiers to do the killing for him? I do not believe that calling yourself a Christian is the same as actually being a Christian, so consider carefully before making your judgement.

Can’t forgot the Homestar Runner version.

Or you can also try this one, which is the actual 404 page on the HSR website.

Strange…I remember a bunch of dudes had to VOTE to give him the “Green Light” to do “start this War”

I deplore Combat Operations…I can’t imagine old “GW” looking forward to sending our Troopers into Harm’s Way without a darned good reason.

Just a reality Check:)


I do not claim to know all the facts of what is going on, but I can offer my perspective from my limited knowledge. I think this quote is relevant:

From what I can tell, the United States is not even United within itself, let alone with the rest of the world. Maybe they should start thinking about a name change to the DSA (Divided States of America). Reality check, the United Nations, which is supposed to be representatives from around the world, did not agree to support the war in Iraq. So you are right Weegz, there was a vote and the decision was not a green light. A few people within America and Britain who paranoidly swallowed the weapons of mass destruction propaganda voted the green light for war. This was by no means a United decision, it was very controversial. New Zealand did not support the decision, and refused to send troops for fighting. Our prime minister made comments about Bush saying that the war on Iraq might not have happened if Bush had not been voted in. This was a fair statement because it can not be disproved, but since it offended people the NZ prime minister Helen Clark weakly backed down and wrote a letter of apology. We don’t need America’s dodgy free trade deals, we are surviving. It is poor countries who need it. How about equal trade opportunities, after all strength can be gained from being united. It appears to me that many leaders of countries see their own country as #1 and only want what is best for themselves, rather than what is best for everyone. This narrow minded way of thinking is creating extremes of poverty and wealth, and feeding hatred and discrimination. Good luck in your quest to become United America, it will be a hard feat to achieve and it will take a lot of synergy from open minds.

Re: Disunity

Excersize your right to vote on more important issues here:

3 Girls at Once

