A bit of experimental photography!

I’ve been playing around with the ol’ magic picture box lately, with some pretty nifty results. Right now, I’m just seeing what I can do with different exposures/post production techniques.

These captures (except the first 2) are from my huge 40-50km ride I did the other day, I thought I would share them! :smiley:

1 First attempt

2 This one is a holiday snap of me that my sister took, I touched it up in photoshop. Not bad for a rookie photographer, eh?

3 Industrial shapes

4 Something a little bit different.

5 The same location, different settings and perspective

6 Making do with natural lighting

7 Climbing over fences and trees; it’s a photographers dutie to make himself look like a fool/get injured for a good shot :stuck_out_tongue:

8 A bit more exposure.

So, thoughts? Critique? verbal abuse? love?

Oh, and as a side note…These few photos might actually be making me a little bit of cash! I’ve been asked for a few framed prints!

I’m not a photographer, but all those shots look really professional to me.

Nice work.

They look really cool, man.

awesome looking shots and i’m definitely jealous of your skatepark. great work, if you ever decide to visit richmond, virginia in the ol’ USA let me know and i’ll take you around to some of the historic buildings and such. there’s lots here for a photographer to play around with.

i really like the bottom one

Thanks everyone! :smiley:

unirox13, That skatepark is about 4-5 hours away from me now :frowning: it was a lovely place to ride though, so clean!

As for the offer, I wish I could take you up on it…alas, I’m a poor college student, lol. Maybe someday eh?

Awsome pics, my favorites are the first one and last one.

They look good to me, just need more unicycles!

Great shots! Like the last one the most. What camera do you use to take the photos?