A bit of advice?

Hey all.

Recently, I got interested in unicycling. I have a 40 year old Schwinn unicycle sitting in my basement, and I thought it’d be fun to learn. What I’m wondering is: will this suffice? It’s in fair condition, it might just need a new tube since it doesn’t seem to hold air too well. I don’t plan on doing much more than simply riding it, maybe picking up a few tricks (nothing too amazing.)

So I guess that’s my question. Any advice would be good (do note, however, that I don’t have much money, so buying a new unicycle would be out of the question at the moment.)

Thanks in advance…

Welcome to the forum
There are peope who learn on worse…if it’ll hold air, you’ll be good

Dang, 40 years old?

Well, to learn on, it should be alright…I’d take it down to the LBS (local b*ke shop) if you’re concerned about it’s durability (or possible lack thereof), or you could mess around with it if you’re one o’ them fix-it types.

GILD, cleanup on aisle 3…

Hes on a buiness trip for a few days…
you do the honors?
Would GILD care?

I’ll post a pic of him so people know it’s not actually me saying it.

Here’s to you, dave!

That’s one more of us, and one less of them.

It’s very durable (and pretty heavy XD)

Yeah, I like to fix stuff (or at least take it apart) so I messed with it, tightened some screws, etc. I also cleaned it and polished it, so all I need to do is fill up the tire (it may just be leaking since it doesn’t have one of those tube cap things.)

Thanks for the advice!

Just a little FYI (and forrest might come in and back me up on this in a minute), valve caps aren’t really needed.

I’ll suggest Matt’s (dudewithasock’s) unicyucling journal
I’m Alex, nice to meet you, Evan

I’ll come in and back you up now
They aren’t

HEY! I bought my first uni when I was 40 years old. I guess I was sort of going through a mid-life crisis at the time though because I just had to have that sexy red convertible uni. It was really love at first sight.

So can you put the top back up?

Ooh, thank you. It looks like it might just be the tire.

On a side note, I went to amazon and searched for “torker” since that seems to be a good unicycle company. I found a Torker Unistar CX for like, 90 bucks, it’s 24 inches, chrome, and looks like a good one. I also found a few others for 120 and it gets more expensive from there. I suppose that it’s a good thing to bookmark, but is that a good brand (and model) of unicycle? Perhaps I’ll add it to my wishlist eventually (assuming it’s a decent one)

And hi, Alex, my name is Evan (XD)

Are you for real???
and yes…I guess my opinion probably wont count for much (I still consider myself a beginner), but I think the Torker CX is one of the best beginner unis


Make sure you pay a visit to unicycle.com. Good bunch of folks down there.


I think you misunderstood. I’m not 40, but the unicycle is. Actually, I’m not sure how old it is, but I know that my stepdad’s neighbor (who was like, 50 at the time) gave him the unicycle when my stepdad was fairly young, I assume a preteen or something like that. Eventually, he gave the unicycle to me. I’m thinking I’ll end up getting a new one, but practice with this one for the time being.

i’ll back you up with it. valve caps are for greater whiners and lesser wimps.

I’m about to take mine off right now

Hiya =p learning on your ancient (in a good way) shwinn will work just fine, and about torkers, i would rather get the torker LX and not th CX, if you look around on ebay or other online stores you can get those for under 100 dollars :sunglasses:

I think Schwinn first came out with their unicycles in 1967, so it can’t be quite 40 years old. But they didn’t change much in the early years. If your pedals are tapered (narrower at the ends) it’s older than some later ones.

Many of my older Schwinn seats contained foam that disintegrated after a while. If there’s no more foam left in there, it may be less comfortable than you want. On the other hand, sitting on a unicycle seat takes getting used to, so don’t expect it to feel like a La-Z-Boy…