I’ve been wondering when someone was going to ask Q’s.
Make your own opinion.
Be sure to Vote
I’ve been wondering when someone was going to ask Q’s.
Make your own opinion.
Be sure to Vote
lol … OK … sorry …
GILD, can you delete this one too ? … heh
Harper is your threadkiller.
Re: 911 conspiracy …?
If you are persuaded by conspiracy theories like that then please don’t vote. Just stay home.
If you absolutely must vote then vote for Michael Badnarik (Libertarian) or Ralph Nader (Independent). The more votes they get the better. If they get enough votes they can get additional campaign money next time.
For a rebuttal of the Pentagon conspiracy see Snopes.
Sorry for the edit. It looked like it had miss-posted.
I have request in to delete …
BTW … I have the RIGHT TO VOTE
stick it
Did you read the link?
If you must vote then make an informed vote that is informed based on facts and not wacko conspiracy theories.
Re: Re: 911 conspiracy …?
I hope you aren’t saying that Badnarik should only get the votes of moderates who can’t make a decision.
There are lots of reasons to vote …
My vote is NOT UNINFORMED … as you imply.
I still resent your implications.
I said only to vote.
The video was viewed by me yesterday for 1st time , and I found it interesting.
Along recent press releases of findings of no WMD in Iraq , (which was out predidents reason to invade Iraq)
Also, my cities unemployment statisics, (not to mention my state of Illinois)
Along, with prices for medications for the elderly.(my mom cant afford them)
My state is operating illegally now to import drugs from Canada and Europe.
ect … I can go on and on …
I believe everyone should vote for whatever reason. Recent research has shown that a large percentage of voters rely on vague gut feelings when voting. Their votes are not based on careful analysis or even an informed understanding of the issues and the candidates positions.
If this research is even remotely correct then millions of people, according to the link, who will vote should not. Not a very desirable state of affairs.
And in any event, I happen to believe that whether or not it in fact makes a difference, the more people that vote the more our elected politicians have to at least pay lip service to actually serving us.
Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ
Re: Re: Re: 911 conspiracy …?
Not at all. There are perfectly valid reasons to vote for Nader or Badnarik. There are also crazy reasons to vote for Nader or Badnarik. I was proposing one of the crazy (and controversial) reasons.
Right. And I’d rather have someone vote for someone who I would not like to see in office in an informed manner than someone voting for my preffered candidate because of a gut feeling or some other instinct etc.
Good. I thought so. Just making sure.
I would prefer that people take the time to get informed before voting. Voting just because, and not knowing what for, isn’t the best way to help the system.
One “problem” in Oregon and Washington is that we have the initiative process. That means that we can get some pretty crazy measures on the ballot. I would prefer that people take the time to get informed about some of the measures rather than just voting like it’s a fill in the dots SAT test. If you inform yourself and vote differently than me, that’s fine with me. But having no opinion and just taking a 50/50 chance on a ballot measure is risky to the system. Heck, there have been some races and some measures that I’ve left blank because I didn’t have an opinion on it. It’s OK not to vote on every issue on the ballot.
Yes, and those are all valid reasons to vote and valid things to base an opinion on for a vote.
When I read your first post I tied your promotion of the conspiracy theory to the call to go vote. As in “Watch this video, this is why you need to go vote”. It now seems that your “Be sure to Vote” message was just a tag on the end of your message, like a bumper sticker, and not a statement that was tied to the video. The “Be sure to Vote” message takes a different implication when it’s not tied to the video. And plus, I’m in a funky and cynical mood today.
I strongly doubt GILD can (even if he would like to).
Anyway, I like to point to a short movie about jetblast
As people often say, it is our (Americans’) right to vote. Fine. But if you choose to vote, then you should consider it your duty to be informed about what you’re voting on. Otherwise the vote is pointless.
And making informed decisions can be very difficult, as each side is usually telling you completely different, unrelated stories to try to sway your opinion. We have many proposals and measures on the ballot here in CA. Some have generated tons of TV time. It can still be hard for me to tell which way to vote, because I need to know what’s in between those TV arguments. Such as what the measure actually says, in detail. And what that measure, if passed, will actually do. These things are hard to know, and you usually have to end up believing somebody somewhere.
We get a booklet in the mail that details all the proposals and measures, including statements for the pros and cons of each. But they don’t say enough. The good ones provide URLs you can look at to get more information. I just wish there were objective sources of information about this stuff. But that’s pretty rare. Everybody has a stake in the outcome, so they only present information intended to sway your opinion in one direction or the other.
Candidates too. Of our two main presidential candidates, one has a track record (as president) while the other one doesn’t. This works both to his advantage and disadvantage. For me, mostly disadvantage.
i would argue that you should vote even if you are not informed because our electoral system was set up for ignorant citizens. voting is the only way for the ‘mass public’ to influence government and the ‘mass public’ by definition is not informed.
each country has a government it deserves…
I agree that you should vote anyway. I do not agree that the system was “set up for ignorant citizens.” It was set up for citizens. And though statistics show they can be pretty ignorant, I still believe it is the citizen’s duty to use that voting right in a meaningful way.
It is also our duty to raise our children well, not destroy our environment, live peacefully with our neighbors, etc. We’re not perfect, but we can try.
i was referring to the electoral college and the founding fathers’ idea that a presidential election should not be left up to the citizens.