I presume this to be a thread started to honor the many who lost their lives needlessly on this date two years ago. Or perhaps those who risked their lives to rescue the remaining victims. Or the even more who gave of their time and resources to reconstruct that which was destroyed. If so, thank you.
I was driving to work today, and a song came on the radio. It was Sting’s “Every Breath You Take”. Some one had overlaid the voices of people affected by 9/11 directly and indirectly. I’ve been hearing a lot about 9/11 the past few days and weeks, but for some reason when I heard that song, something clicked and stirred my emotions. I guess that’s all it takes sometimes.
nothing made it click more for me than that CBS sponsered movie made by those two french brothers.if you havent seen it you must.they were making a documentary about firefighters and got caught up in the whole thing that morning.some of the footage is taped right inside the lobby of tower two just 10 minutes after impact.
it was very shocking to watch all the fire and rescue workers running up the stairs,never to return home.
it still makes me so angry that I can’t talk about it…
As a former Pentagon employee, the inicident hit very close to home.
It always amazes me though that, in the face of tragedy, the human spirit finds strength and growth in national pride. I hate the evil that decended upon our country but even more love the land and freedom in which I live.
this movie is en route to my place right now, my uncle from Detroit sent it. I’m anxious to see it.
I think it has been broadcasted all over the world. I got to see it on Dutch TV about (possibly precisely) a year ago. It was surrealistic and, yes, moving.
Klaas Bil
peace to all the people who dies in 9 11
My heart goes out…
Re: WTF?
Lmao McPoop, you took my quote out of context. Get flushed!
No, I did not, because I provided a link to the context, which you will probably miss this time, too, you assless moron. Anyway, we all read you laughing the first time, so you don’t need to announce your idiocy again. Just because you can copy and paste emoticons from other websites doesn’t give you the right to pretend to relate or empathize with tragedy that happened here while at the same time you insult us on our own native website. Everybody knows you come from an “U.S. - unfriendly” country, so just shut up.
You are correct McPoop, New Zealand is friendly towards the U.S. and the U.N.
I am from new zealand, new zealand has a very good relationship with the US im sorry mcpoop but i think u need to get it right. First of all alot of people (not just from the US) but from many countries around the world do not see people of arib decent as people anymore, but more like targets for rage. I think it is sad that people point there rage toward other races. Because by saying we are from a “US Unfriendly” countrie is racest! You don’t know us at all! Have u come over and spent time with me and rowan? you see we are two people in the world who feel that no matter who someone is or where they where born it doesn’t make them and better or worse!
Also people going on about islam its terable! Islam is one of the most excepting belifes in the world, they belive that Jews and christains worship the same god as them and welcome them (unlike christanity where people from different donomonations often fight more than anyone elce). You see these people who are ding all the terror stuff are horable millitant people who have a hate that runs deep. Just because the guy in the picture had a guy and dark looking skin doesn’t mean he is a terrorist, he could be a security offecer at a checkpoint for all we know. The point is that what rowan said in the thred is that you guys where mocking him because he had a gun and dark skin, you WHERE being racest! All he did was point this out to you. Now I feel that the problem here is that people get very emotional about things like 911 and try to point blaim at anyone they can.
All i have to say is that what happened happened, simple as that we can’t turn back time no matter how much we want to and there is nothing we can do now to stop something that has already happened. Sometimes the truth hurts im sorry if this hurts mcpoop but thats just life.
I feel that what happened on 911 was a terable disaster, lets just leave it at that.
My original post was a link to a smiley designed to look like Uncle Sam with the American flag hat beckoning or something and saying “We want you”. I was trying to say without words that the 9/11 thing seemed like a bit of a suspicious excuse to go to war. I wanted to see what peoples reactions were.
I wonder if many people feel differently now.
Is everyone still feeling patriotic and free after 9/11?
So my post wasn’t exactly what Harper suggested but I chose not to say more at the time since so many people were feeling very sensitive about it. The link which McPoop provided has a quote in it which describes pretty well how I was feeling at the time. After watching several “conspiracy” videos about 9/11, like Farenheit 9/11, Loose Change 9/11, Loose change final cut, The Zeitgeist, and others, it makes me really wonder why nobody seems to answer the questions being asked.
The official explanations are so hard to believe but it seems to have gone down in history (makes you wonder about the rest of “recorded” history too). The winners of a war decide who the war criminals are- and they are not very likely to point the finger at themselves.
I’m pretty sure if we invaded America looking for weapons of mass destruction we could have a field day, but who on earth would want to go there to fight when peace is more enjoyable although it is less profitable for the international bankers.
Wow this thread disappeared fast. So nobody wants to discuss it eh? Maybe a lot of people would prefer to ignore the reality of what happened.
Here in the US, people can still get pretty emotional about 9/11. It’s not a topic that is easy to discuss. IMO, people react emotionally to it, and may not understand any points that you are trying to make, because their minds are clouded by emotions.
And you are correct, winners write the history, though I’m not feeling that there are any winners right now.
I’d consider that a loaded question, kind of like “When did you stop beating your wife?” It assumes something to be true that isn’t (more of that below). 9/11 had a short-term reaction of making all (most) Americans feel like a unified country and wanting to pull together. Then, over the longer term, our country did a number of things, some of which were necessary and even smart, while others were major blunders. MAJOR major blunders.
On the one hand, we have much tigher security on travel. While this translates into a big hassle when flying, it as also come with almost no new terrorist activity on airplanes. (side note, even if somebody tried to hijack an American airliner with box cutters or other small knives, the passengers, knowing the events of 9/11, would likely overpower and possibly kill them)
On the other hand, we seem to have used 9/11 as an excuse to invade Iraq and be mired there ever since, with tens of thousands of deaths and countless billions of dollars down the tubes. Iraq will probably end up being a better place eventually, but was it worth it?
But you’re asking your questions after a more recent momentous event, the election of a new American president, who seems to have a very different agenda. NOW I’m feeling patriotic, and more free.
Those questions have been answered over and over. Do you really want to dredge this up again? Search for 9/11 or conspiracy threads by unifreak7. If all your “data” is collected by conspiracy theorists, those theories are going to look pretty reasonable. But conspiracy theorists use lack of information as facts, wrong information as other facts, and misquotes as testimony. If anyone thinks the George W. Bush administration was clever enough to do the 9/11 attacks on purpose, and keep it a secret, how come they couldn’t do the same about anything else, and where’s some evidence? Evidence is always a good start. A lack of evidence (or information) does not constitute evidence.
You’re not saying the U.S. were the winners of 9/11 are you? What are you saying? Anyway, if you want to start up a 9/11 conspiracy thread again, please refer to the previous ones first so it’s not repetitive.
Tons and tons. And your intelligence would be accurate in predicting we had them! I have to agree with you on the part about this country can have WMDs but that one can’t. How do you become a member of the you-can-have-WMDs club?
BTW, I remember seeing a TV special on the History Channel about debunking 9/11 conspiracy theories. They used actual experts in the various fields covered, rather than activists and talk show hosts to provide information. One of the things mentioned was a series of articles in Popular Mechanics around 2005 where they addressed some of the theories. Here are some links:
There are more, but I’m worried about hitting the editing time limit. Go to the Popular Mechanics homepage and do a searth on “9/11 conspiracy”.
I found Penn & Teller’s take on 9/11 conspiracies on their Showtime TV show, called “Bullsh*t”. Caution: foul language!
That page will also show several other videos, on both sides of the debate. My favorite of those is the “debate” between two Popular Mechanics journalists and the guys who created Loose Change.
The journalists easily took those two dweebs apart.