8th Annual Asheville MUni Round Up - Sept 12 - 14, 2014

We are pleased to announce the dates for the 8th annual Asheville, NC mountain unicycle gathering. This year we’ll convene at DuPont State Forest for some amazing rides.

For details on camping, rides, etc… visit our website: http://ashevillemountainunicycle.wordpress.com/

See you in September!

I have been wanting to attend for a couple years and I think I will finally be able to. Very much looking forward to it.

  • Chuck

Great Chuck -

It will be great to have you on board. Check out more details on our website and please register via the website so we know who’s coming! See you in September.

YES! Let’s do this!

Bummer. The Asheville Muni Roundup is being “postponed” because enough interest wasn’t generated.

I was hours away from registering and starting to make plans. :frowning:

I didn’t see any effort to generate more interest like a call out through email, facebook, and the forums. Is it really too late? Sept 12 is still a month and a half away. :frowning:

That’s too bad. I’ve been really looking forward to it.

Maybe next year

Sorry all that we’ve cancelled. We really hate to do it, but I’ll have to admit that there’s so much on my plate on a personal level — family, job, etc, etc… – that we were feeling overwhelmed with organizing the fest. While it’s been a pretty no frills event, there’s still details to sort out to make sure the event is safe, fun, and reasonably organized. Since so many folks travel a great distance to attend, they should have an expectation that the weekend is organized and well thought through. Since out local MUni community is so small it’s hard to find other local folks who have the time and dedication to pull off an event that is worthwhile for people to attend.

Here’s a question for the broad MUni community: my sense is that a region wide event (the Southeast, for instance) may be the way to go. Say a model in which a different group hosts the event in a different spot (one year Alabama, the next Virginia, etc… The difference is that a region wide “committee” of folks can help support and guide the event. I think that would help build a strong network and help specialize some of the tasks needed to pull off a great event.

Another option is to promote weekend rides, for instance, I’d like to gather a group this fall to ride a classic trail here.

What are your thoughts? What would folks like to see in the future?


I would definitely be interested in a regional event. Of course, quarterly regional events would be even better! We are in early discussions of hosting an event here in Chattanooga. Nurse Ben did this about three years ago, but he is obviously no longer in the area!

I would also be interested in attending weekend rides at other locales. Drive up Friday night after work for a ride on Saturday. The organizers would have to dedicate far less time organizing one or two rides instead of 4 in a weekend.

Yeah, sorry to leave town, but I just couldn’t take the humidity any longer :slight_smile:

We are now on the other side of the country in Wenatchee WA, otherwise I’d try to help out.

There is a great little munifest in Virginia, just north of Roanoke. It’s ealier in the year, so you’d be waiting until next spring, but it’s a nice place to ride and it has become a “regular” event.

Honestly, a muni event does not have to be complicated, a single day event with a simple web page would do it, make it BYOB, get the word out by making up a flier and sending a couple hundred copies to UDC for distribution.

Folks can figure out the majority of their food and lodging without guidance, the key is getting the word out and picking a date that doesn’t conflict.

The Asheville Munifest was done “big”, multiday, catered meals, prizes, races, the whole shebang, which is probably why it became to hard to manage.

I find that the old adage “build it and they will come” is true.

How about passing the hat/buck and asking someone to step forward and fill the current date with a single day event?

Keep it simple, set up at one of the parking areas “outside” of the camground (those campground managers are nothing but trouble every year), don’t do anything fancy, just a car, maybe a portable shelter, a table where folks can deposit their BYO contributions (snacks, white elephant gift exchange, etc…)

Keep the rides simple as well, break into groups with two or more leaders, then head out on a couple predetermined loops, nothering fancy, just a chance for folks to ride with like minded unicyclists :slight_smile:

Once my house remodel is done I plan on putting together the 1st Annual Ride Wenatchee Unifest :slight_smile:

Ya, you big wimp;) It’s actually been very nice this year. I look forward to the first annual Wenatchee Unifest!

Good point about keeping it simple. I will try to keep that in mind when setting up the next Chattanooga Munifest.

don’t worry kiddos, we’ll figure something out. I will say that as an Asheville rider my schedule has been crazy this year too so I dropped the ball as well. I love the idea of a regional event. and Ben I totally understand the easy come easy go way to do it, but I also really want to show people some of the best rides in the area and it takes, I think, a weekend to do it. if you’re gonna do a saturday ride, might as well do a sunday, right? maybe its too lofty for now.

had such a great time last year!