alright, you know how when you see movies like Airplane and Top Secret nowadays, sure there are some funny moments, but they certainly aren’t as funny as how they were ‘back then’?
Do yourself a favour and watch ‘Revenge of the Nerds’ again!!
alright, you know how when you see movies like Airplane and Top Secret nowadays, sure there are some funny moments, but they certainly aren’t as funny as how they were ‘back then’?
Do yourself a favour and watch ‘Revenge of the Nerds’ again!!
Airplane is still o ne of the funniest movies I have ever seen…who cares when it was made?
All I am saying is have you watched it recently? You end up laughing a lot less then you remember laughing or want to laugh. Many of the jokes have been reduced to mere chuckles… like ‘don’t call me shirly’, for example…that kind of stuff…
My 12 year old brother watched it, and [the jokes that he understood], he thought were hilarious…
of course, he’s 12…
If it isn’t dated, then it isn’t 80s humor. It’s just humorous.
all i am saying is this:
if you go rent two movies today, 1)Revenge Of The Nerds, 2)Airplane…
1)You will (most likely) say ‘boy that’s funny’ then proceed to guffaw mercilessly
2)You will (probably) say ‘I guess I see how they used to find this stuff kinda funny’
I’m not saying I don’t think Airplane is funny. I do enjoy it. I’m simply wondering that movies that are on this level might not pack the punch they once did.
Here is a test to those forum members wishing to participate.
Criteria…You musn’t have seen either. (hopefully are 25 YO or younger)
Rent both…Airplane, and Revenge of the Nerds.
tell me what you think.
I have not seen revenge, but if it is in certain of the modern “alternative” humour veins, then I would have to consider whether it was funny at all.
I am so disappointed that many alternative humour comedians replace “genuinely funny” with " I am loud and full of swear words so therefore I am funny and you must laugh". And impressionable teenagers do laugh…
It can be done as loud and full of swearing: Billy Connelly does it well, but so many others fail miserably. Luckily for them, some of the audience can relate to their low standards.
Airplane is extremely funny, but second or third time around the surprise has gone. Humour depends greatly on surprise. The best jokes are those that veer off in an unexpected direction to deliver the punch line. It is to Airplane’s credit that people remember the jokes, an indication of how funny they were.
Yes they are
As long as we’re on the topic, I’d like to recommend again, the utterly vile and obscene film, The Aristocrats. It is an extremely funny and interesting exploration of humor.
haven’t seen it
will see it
Airplane is the funniest movie IMO. i have seen it soo many times i practically have the movie memorized.
Top Secret? Dated?
When did this happen?
Airplane! is only still funny if you watch it with the right people…watching it by yourself, or with some boring people, will be boring. Kinda like Napoleon Dynamite, too.
Good point.
I’ll need to watch it again.
All I remember is Peter Cushing’s giant eye and the smoking cow with wellington boots.
i’ve watched revenge of the nerds only last year, it’s HILARIOUS
i watched that a while ago. i also saw revenge of the nerds II. its no where as near as good as the first one
Some of that must have to do with the fact that some of those jokes have made it into the general ‘joke-vocab’.
im only 15 so i dont remember the 80s:p
Oh, you don’t know what you missed youngster.
Those were the days.
When men were men and musicvideos cheesy.