661 Core cooler


Has anyone here seen this? It looks pretty interesting; “Used by fire fighters, first responders, military personnel, athletes and race teams[.]”

And now it can be yours for one easy payment of $49.95(+tax&s/h)!

It sounds like it would be most helpful for people who do hundred+ mile rides or really long muni sessions.

I thought it would be a fairly short term thing by the site boasts of it lasting up to 5 days which is insane. Are you meant to wear it over or under a shirt? I would have thought to be effective it would have to be both touching the skin and exposed ot the air, thus precluding wearing a shirt.

That looks really really cool :P. It seems to me that you would wear it under a shirt, this whole idea of soaking it and then it being completely dry is really really wierd though.

I guess it has some sort of air pockets that allow it to dry fairly quickly while still retaining it’s cooling thermal properties. If I were into (read: able to) riding MUni or going on long XC rides (no 36’er) I would definately invest in one of these. It doesn’t say anywhere in the description that it stops working after x uses, so I’m sure $50 would be a worthwhile investment for something that keeps you cool for 5 days at a time :roll_eyes: . Maybe even without doing anything physical (like in the summer here) it would come in handy.

I’m still considering purchasing this but I’d like to hear from someone who might have bought one in the past or uses one for work (firefighters or something related?). Perhaps I should have put this in ‘Product Reviews’…but everybody know that JC gets wayyy more traffic…

It takes four quadrupe-A batteries. You wear it nude.

Of course.

I wear all my clothes nude.

hmmm, I do that too!