My Name is Doug Montgomery
Purchased unicycle 6 months ago, actively learning
Learned free mount, 3- 4 weeks
Chris got me to the mountain with 3 out of 10 freemounts
Now we are attempting 2 to 2.7 miles of single track, hiking areas
last weekend we tried a 5.7 mile loop,I walked and hiked 2/3 of it.
I am doing great on flats, slight grades, some small hills
terrible at hard climbs,
still have this sidewinder thing going with 165 cranks.
This was the first video I shot of Chris on Deems Hill, he has gotten alot better since this-
this was my inspiration to purchase my Mtn Uni.
You’re doing great!!! Face it!
And you got someone to follow you around with a video camera!!! Very cool!
You successfully tackled lots of rough terrain, including a pretty steep downhill portion.
If you master free mounting out there in the rough, you’ll rarely walk the trail.
Keep it up!
You’re doing great!!! Face it!
And you got someone to follow you around with a video camera!!! Very cool!
You successfully tackled lots of rough terrain, including a pretty steep downhill portion.
If you master free mounting out there in the rough, you’ll rarely walk the trail.
Keep it up!
Billy, as stated in the top post, This is Chris Riding in the YouTUBE video, My inspiration. He has been riding for some time now- I am not quite this good yet.
I can go down hill and some slight uphill grades but nothing like the video of Chris around 5:20 in the video.
Thanks for your support- I will get video soon, we are doing 4.8 mile loops and i am riding over 65% of it now.
this is actually the true map for our Sunday Uni Ride,
Follow: Feetwreckers
Thanks for watching