5 Days of Uni

Heya! A video blog of the last 5 days of uni, May 22nd - May 26th, 2009 including Day 1- KH24 MUni, Day 2 - KH36 XC Ride, Day 3 - KH20 at home, Day 4 - KH20 in the rain, Day 5 - Uni School & 29″ Cruising. Enjoy!

cool vid
i noticed you have different types of uni distance muni and trials, do you focus on one style or do you do all in moderation?

cool vid:)
i noticed you have different types of uni distance muni and trials, do you focus on one style or do you do all in moderation?

Nice vid, Pete.

Nice. :slight_smile:
The music complimented your riding well.

heya thanks guys, it’s been a chilled out week, was fun to make a record of it.

thanks to some of our pets for their cameo appearances :slight_smile:

Cool little video. I really enjoyed it.

liked the music:p keep it up;)

That was really fun … and cool.

heya, I just like to unicycle and try fit some riding in each day. Which size wheel depends I guess on how much free time I have and how I feel that day.

I’m not really into stopping and taking lots of video during a ride, ends up not being a ride, but after this little project I’m going to try and take a few seconds of video each ride as having a fun video ride diary to look back on is worth it I think.