I didn’t make this thread or the other one, it was KAycee…
I wasnt going to post the video.
But thanks anyway for the compliments!! The title of the thread says “Satisfaction Video”
Oh and…
Ya I already took care of that, he’ll never be in my vids anytime soon…
OH, and you guys who want a bc video…just be pateint…

oh bryan can ride a unicycle?
thats a good thing for him… he is still young so maybe one day he could learn crankflip or thing like this
forest… I have the same problem so I also hate crankflip
The thread title was a little misleading but if you squint and tip your head just a little…
quack quack quack
Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound so rude.
(well I did, but in a jokingly manner)