Wow, cheap for you and Musketman in Michigan! Can you say powerful car lobby? Sometimes it has its uses…
Heard it on the news this morning. I’m sure it was one of the 1 billion poles that the Democrats use to make Bush look bad.
I paid $2.08 Sunday. No car Lobby, winter blend which is cheaper, and much lower gas taxes than Taxifornia.
I’m going to make the same faux-pas, just because I want to drive-by post this thread… but I heard on the radio just a week or two ago that there are still a significant number of Americans who believe that Saddam is/was responsible for 9/11, and that he has/had WMD. Two separate polls, two amazingly stupid results.
I believe that there are a large number of Americans who only get their news from the idiot box… and being that there are a number of channels broadcasting a-poor-excuse-for-a-newscast, it doesn’t surprise me that we’re living in a nation of ignoramuses (ignoramusi?)…
I would say they don’t even get their news from the idiot box, they get their news from what other people say about what they heard on the idiot box. Third hand news.
I agree. Too often the news tries to sensationalize, or put a spin on an event rather than just report the event. Either by intention or omission. I saw a commercial with Katie Courek the other day where she says something like “We’re going to bring you the news in a way you have never seen before.” I was hoping she meant report the facts, not sensationalize and story tell.
Let me say that invading a country with the 2nd largest known oil reserves (Iraq), MUST affect the price of gas, and so in that way the current admin (of which I’m so fond) is certainly affecting US gas prices. But it would seem unlikely that such an invasion could lower gas prices.
Back in 2000 Bush himself said he could influence oil supply. That was when gas averaged $1.48.
Here’s a partisan, but factual, video of him in 2000 saying “the POTUS has to jawbone OPEC nations to get them to lower the price of gas”. Then it shows him, in 4/2005, saying there’s nothing he can do to lower the price of gas.
He does have major Saudi connections, but Bush actually controlling the price of gas seems far-fetched. It is interesting timing for a gas price reduction, and it does favor the republicans in the upcoming mid-term elections. It’s one less reason for people to be mad enough to actually go so far as to vote.
Let’s all just remember not to get frustrated into insulting our fellow riders as we try in vain to change people’s opinions, as in these emotion-charged threads. Remember we’re all still us (as in 1 more of us).
Yea, that’s pretty much what I do. If something peaks my interest, then I research it. Oh yea, then I post it here. Does that make it 4th hand?
And my generation isn’t even leading yet…
Good point. People may at times misconstrue my intentions in some of these threads. I enjoy arguing. It’s that simple. I don’t consider any of the people I argue with on these boards anything less than highly intelligent/intellectual people. Some of the positions I argue simply because I feel like palying the Devils Advocate, other times I am testing my own beliefs and positions, and lastly there are times that I whole heartedly embrace my position and will take it to the grave with me. But I am thankful for a place were I can freely discuss these things just for fun. I am not really trying to change anyones mind. Especially Liberals. They are the most Dogmatic group of people I know.