4 questions.


I´m doing a schoolproject, writing a essay, and needs help to fill a totally anonymus questionnarie.
Would be glad for answers!

First question:

Are you religious?

How do you think life is for a christian?

How do you look at christianity?

Why are you looking at christianity that way?

Good luck…

People on forums are always so lazy and cheeky. Do you think you speeks for the whole forum?

More or less actualy… Just… religious stuff on here usualy gets bashed to the ground…

Yes I am.

Life for a Christian is great and horrible. In one part you have someone there with you at all times in which you can put everything in to. Full trust on all issues no matter how big or small they are. Strict love to help you live life to the best you can, to better yourself as a person but not have everything just handed out to you and keeping us in check. Its horrible sometimes cause so many people feel they need to gang up on you saying your believes and faith is wrong and pointless. Its pretty much constant attack against the religion.

I look at it as life and top priority in how I need to live my life.

I look at it this way because, to me, its the right way to live. Without going into too many details, its just feels right, its natural. Its perfect.

My annoying responses:

  1. How do you define religious?
  2. Life is how you make it. For Christians it can range from getting eaten by lions to being ultra-rich and famous to being poor (but happy) and living in a shack to being a serial killer.
  3. As the dominant religion in my country, constantly trying to use that dominance as an excuse for imposing religion-based laws on our society.
  4. It’s factual.

BTW, is this for a project at a public school? Not that you can’t talk about religion, but it was unlikely to have been the mandatory topic for the assignment… :slight_smile:

Are you religious?
Not in the slightest.

How do you think life is for a christian?

If you mean how I think others view them and how it affects them, that greatly depends on where you live…but I guess on average, most Christians I’ve met have the same kind of life I do, even though I’m not a Christian. School, work, play, joking around, listening to music, etc. The only real difference is that they believe something that I question the fundamentals of, which doesn’t change my relationship with them, or how they live every moment of their life.

How do you look at christianity?
The abstract morals and values are, for the most part, just good ways to live one’s life, but I think the amount of faith Christianity needs makes it just not for me. It’s simply not for everyone.

Why are you looking at christianity that way?
Just my take on the world, I guess. I think that skepticism is the most logical belief system in general, so that extends to religion as well.

  1. I am Christian, but not religious about it.
  2. Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus
  3. Flawed–a long way from its founder’s original intent
  4. It’s factual (as John said)
  1. I do not think it wise to have complete faith in one belief. However, I do think that there is an explanation for everything, and I do not believe the answer has been discovered. There is most certainly a lot out their that we cannot see, but I think that many, if not all of the religious explanations that have been offered in the past have been oversimplified and have very little evidence backing them up, while science offers an incomplete story based on theories that have been backed up through experimentation and rational thinking that allow future change as soon as they are disproved. I do not think we have “the answer”. I think we only have parts of it, and we have very many parts that remain to be discovered, and some of the parts we already have will eventually be disproven. I guess I’m not religious, since I do not follow any specific religion of any sort.

  2. Life for a Christian is too inconsistent to be stereotyped. There are too many kinds of Christianity, too many cultures that practice Christianity, and there are many who have Christian beliefs, but do not change their lives in any way to support their beliefs, and there are many who have Christian beliefs and live entirely differently. I guess what could be said for all who are completely faithful to Christian beliefs is that they are all content with the answer they have been given, and do not believe it necessary to look into the topic further. However, this can be said about all those who have complete faith in any world religion.

  3. I look at Christianity as an oversimplified explanation, often times lacking sufficient evidence as well as grossly simplifying things such as morality and other philosophies in general, often times preaching in a manner that dangerously encourages generalities, while this world is not all black and white, it has shades of gray, and even color. It is based on the ideas of a society thousands of years ago that insist that they are right and there is no room for change in their beliefs. They had masked their insecurities with false certainty, to fool themselves that they are right, and their opinions are the word of god.

  4. I am looking at Christianity this way after a lot of observation of human nature, and a lot of thought going into the topic. After living on this earth for 17 years, it is obvious to me that there is an exceptional amount of things that we do not know, and what we do consider now as knowledge is very likely to be later proven to be untrue, just from looking at the history of the progression of science. Scientific experimentation and research has offered numerous pieces of evidence that, while leaving room for Christianity to be correct, have lowered the likeliness of Christian beliefs by an outstanding amount, causing the probability of Christianity being correct to be more comparable to that of 2+2 equaling 596.47. This, of course is a very slight exaggeration, but with today’s evidence one can assume with a very high accuracy that very many of the Christian claims are incorrect.

1.) I’m from Kansas
2.) Born…ups and downs…dead
3.) Without any visual aids
4.) I don’t need any

  1. I’m not sure I understand the word “religious” i.e. I don’t think HOW you worship Jesus is important as long as HE is the one you worship. Too many people care about legalistic rules that are crazy. But you can’t just throw all the moral rule of Christianity out the window either…

  2. To live is Christ, to die is gain. That means as long as I am alive, I’ll praise Jesus for His power and majesty and love and forgiveness and grace and mercy even though I’ve been promised that the world will reject and hate me for it. When I die, I’ll be reunited with God in a physical sense, which means I will have no troubles or hardships anymore.

  3. I look at Christianity as God’s perfect plan to offer salvation to all of mankind. It is God’s way of reaching out to us, so that we don’t have to reach up to Him. He knows many people will reject it, but to not offer it would mean He isn’t infinitely loving.

  4. I view Christianity this way because everything in my experience has proclaimed the existence of a merciful and loving and powerful and just and holy God; Everything I’ve studied has given credence to the Bible and the Bible has given credence to my faith. I view it this way because it is wholly logical, and ignores foolish human emotions that try to block us from the truth.


Are you religious? Nope

How do you think life is for a christian? normal, apart from you lose half a sunday.

How do you look at christianity? through binoculars

Why are you looking at christianity that way? because its far away…

Are you religious?
Yes, I am.

How do you think life is for a christian?
Life is life. It always is a bit different for each person, i think you can´t say that life is for a christian easier or anything else, because you can´t proove it.

How do you look at christianity?
I think christianity is a good thing. It has lots of very good social aspects and so on…would be easier to explain in german :roll_eyes:

Why are you looking at christianity that way?
Because that´s the way my parents brought me up.

Are you religious?

I believe in a religion. Therefore, am I religious?
I practice a religion. Therefore, am I religious?
I try to spread my religion. Therefor am I religious?

How do you think life is for a christian?

Bittersweet. The Christian sees that his life on this world is just a vapor in comparison to eternity, so he has much hope. But nevertheless, life is hard for a Christian. Christians are often rejected and ever ostracized because of their beliefs and practices. Some who call themselves “Christians” have lives no different the lives of those around them; they might not have a difficult life because they do not take seriously their religion. But for real Christians, life is hard. Don’t let Joel Osteen fool you!

How do you look at christianity?

I look at Christianity very narrow-mindedly: it is the only way to true joy and the only religion that leads to the true and living God.

Why are you looking at christianity that way?

God has changed my heart, and he has given me parents and pastors who teach me the things of Christianity. Otherwise, Christianity would seem so ridiculous. Wow, what a…a…post!

  1. I am religious in the sense that I study religions and try to derive wisdom to guide myself from them.

  2. Christians in countries such as the US, Canada, England, etc. have fairly normal lives.
    They aren’t part of any minority or anything and generally won’t be abused either physicaly or emotionaly. There are going to be people who say that their beliefs are wrong and they follow the wrong God, that they’re evil, etc. but no matter what, ANYBODY will critisized like that. So it’s a fairly normal life compared to someone like hmmmmmmmmm… a African-Asian, Satanic, Transvestite, Gay, Woman.

  3. There are different aspects of Christianity. If you truly follow your religion, are tolerant of other people and their beliefs, don’t act cocky about yours, etc. then you’re cool. If not, if you start leading crusades against the heathans (sp), then you go down in my “stupid” book.

  4. Cause I’ve realised that you can’t make generalisations about a whole group of people. There are some good and some bad in the same group.

Lazy and cheeky. Huh! That should be “Do you think you speak for the whole forum”. Speeks is as lazy as the thing you criticized.

Okay, I’ll play.

I am religious in the sense that I do identify with Christian ideas.

I am not religious in the sense that I don’t think I fit the stereotype of “being religious”.

How life is for a Christian depends on the Christian and those around him or her. I don’t know that there are any generalizable statements about a Christian’s life other than perhaps the ethical charge that a Christian should live life to demonstrate the intense love represented by the stories in the Bible about Jesus Christ. After all, Jesus is the central theme of Christianity.

I look at Christianity through my own eyes at the legacy left by the catholic church and toward the future.

I look that way in order to attempt to understand where I am in the entire historical trajectory of Christianity. If I claim to be part of a social phenomenon that has been going on for thousands of years, then it’s only fair to consider a variety of diverse ideas. This also prevents me from only being cynical about the ridiculous things that Christians do.

Most of all though, I just want to be inspired by more Stryper videos. :stuck_out_tongue:

Are you religious?
not at all.
How do you think life is for a Christian?
I have absolutely no idea… life is what you make it.
How do you look at Christianity?
with half asleep eyes in religious education lessons at school.
Why are you looking at Christianity that way?
because I am tired and sarcastic. I have given up discussing religion really, its like two children arguing over whose imaginary friend friend is best… neither have proof of which is better, but they each believe their own is.

oh and Christianity is capital c lol, unlike your questions :wink:
I think that was a silly enough answer really… :smiley:

Are you religious?
Not at all

How do you think life is for a christian?
My mom’s really religious, so I go along with it mainly to humor her. All the people in her congregation seem happy, but I’m just as happy without it all.

How do you look at christianity?
Although I don’t believe in religiousness, the morals I very much believe in. I try very hard to lead a good wholesome life, I just don’t buy into the whole all knowing/all vengeful/all controlling deity that’ll punish me to hell for acting out. I uphold morals to better my fellow humans, and not because I believe that I’ll go to hell if I don’t.

I see religion as a crutch for some people, sort of like a security blanket to help you get to sleep. If something’s the matter then just say, “god has a plan” or “god will pull me out of this” and the troubles are pushed to the back of the queue for another day.

Why are you looking at christianity that way?
Because I don’t feel that there could be a deity that could control everything all the time everywhere as the christian god does.

“When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours” – Stephen Roberts

well, akchully he is speeks for me.