4 minutes of amazing bike tricks!

About 4 minutes of some amazing bike tricks I thought some of you might be interested in seeing. Some of them are pretty damn cool and might even give you ideas to try on a uni!! Check it out at;

:astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished: WOW I liked the uphill stair grinds,and the 720,and the shed grind,and,well,yeah…

Makes you want to go out and practice uni tricks.:smiley:

I wanna see the terrible wipeout those guys have gotta have.


That was absolutely incredible…it was not credible! Editing and music were fantastic, and the riding was unbelievable. Is there any way of saving that video to my computer? I’d really like to keep a copy.


I saved it to mine,but everytime I try to open it in that file,my computer gets stuck,and I have to restart it…

I just right clicked and saved target as.

I have a working copy of it saved, andrew if you want it pm me with your gmail info/ your public gmail account for video info and I’ll get you it.


Is there anything “bad” on this website, because for some reason the page is blocked at my college internet access. urgh… that is frustrating

Nothing “bad” at all,it even opens up straight into the video.

strange, and pretty dumb that it’s blocked then. i’ll have to watch it from some other internet somewhere else. i’m looking forwrad to seeing it.

You wont be dissapointed.

I tink ill watch it just 1 more time…

that was ridiculous.

If you’re waching it using WMP it’ll be in your Temporary Internet Files folder called “federal_corey.wmv”.

Definitely worth keeping… :slight_smile:


I have seen that befire, and just shows how much bikes own unicycles… :smiley:

my firefox won’t play it. what extention(s) do i need?

that guy has a really nice style- i liked when he grinded like that shed/garage thing- that was awesome.

They shoulda shown the bails.

A link to that video was posted to a MTB list I belong to a couple weeks ago. It is amazing riding.

It is, however, a segment ripped from a commercial DVD/VHS. That’s why the editing and music is so smooth. It isn’t cool to have an unauthorized full segment from a commercial DVD floating around the net. Just like it wouldn’t be cool to have a full segment from Universe II floating around the net. I’m not sure which video the Corey Martinez clip is from. If it was an authorized clip it would have been done like a trailer and promoted the video it was from.

that part is from Federals new video Trafelio

whats really amazing is is how he can handle a bike like that, for two reasons.

1.) they weigh a ton. If you have ridden a street-like BMX you would know how heavy they are. They are almost as heavy as a downhill bike. He must be a beast.

2.) The bike is small. He looks like he fits it ok, but people like me who measure 6’2" dont fit on them so well.

It seems that he has a kinda urban-MTNbike style in him.  But urban style MTNbiking was branched off of BMX so whatever.  Urban MTNbiking is basically downhilling on flat ground minus the dirt. (like: clearing stairs, wall rides, drops, etc.)       I give him turbo props.

Yeah,bunny hopping over rails is gotta be hard,those things ARE heavy.And most of those ramps were small.The garage/shed grind had like a 2 foot?ramp.

And the uphill rail gring-no ramp at all.