360 unispin

hey i was just wundering if anyone could help me with this.I can confidently do 180 unispins but cannot do 360s.how do you hold the seat and when you spin it do you let go or what? I’m doing this on a trials quax

its not much harder… the only thing is that you have to let go of the seat when you spin… other than that just practice.

You can actually use hold on to the seat the whole time if you want, I do. Ive seen a video of Sabin Arditty doing a 540 while holding on to the seat the whole time.

I think the key is to use one hand to spin the seat, and the other to guide it. I use a weird hand position (different then most people) but it works for me. I spin it to the left, holding the back of the seat with my left hand and the the right side of the seat with my left hand near the front.

As for practicing, watch alot of videos. I think there is a slow motion one on the street wiki page (google street unicycling wiki). Practice the spin, and when you are confident with that go for the land. If you have a camera, take some video and post it to get more help.

Hope that wasnt too confusing.

Hey! i just started to practice the 360 unispin mount !
and after i land like 5 of them i just tried to do the 360 unispin already on the unicycle and after some praticing i landed my first !

try to land the mount! and them try to make it on sif!

its worked to me

and i spin the uni to the left
my left hand is on the left upside of the seat , near the center
and my right hand is on right downside of the seat.
my back pedal is the right

Congrats on the unispin! Now I want to learn how to do it!:smiley: Might be alittle harder on a 24 though!

shot guys.yea i think a bit of persistent practice wil do it.thats just the problem cause the seat seems to want to spin away.Goodluck doing it on your 24. I’v seen it done b4 and you need to hop way higher and start the spinning the second it leaves the ground.

Hey Jason, Remember me from New Plymouth weekend? I found when learning 360’s that I would hold the saddle from start to finish, and what these other guys have said is spot on. Perhaps try doing 360 unispin jump mounts for a while as this helps you get the feel of the unispin motions.
Don’t forget to sign up to the New Zealand forums at www.unicycle.org.nz, we’ll be glad to see you there!

hey yea just be a fag and l land i na jokes holla um spin it at the speed ov light

oh… and get some 661 leg protection

i got only a shin protection from fox

and my knee is really fucked by those 360’

iam just waiting for the 661 send his products to brazil!

yea thanks for that.But i’ve already got the 661 knee shin protectas.i kant evn go 4 a uni without thm!

omg! today i just landed another 360

but fuck!
i did something like 30-40 tries!

i hope this number go down…
to like one in 10
and them one in 5
and someday one perfect landing every one try

should I do it seat out to seat out, or seat out to seat in? I’m trying these to.

I have seen people do them both ways to learn. I really perfer to learn them so sif to avoid those painful failed attempts. How ever you learn them will probably be easier for you after that so you might be able to choose.

I know cody learned them to si and has a hard time doing them to sif. I can do them both ways but to sif is much more comfortable.

thanks, I’m going to go practise 180 unispins and maybe some 360’s

AHAHHAHA I leanred to do them SIF finally lol. But I also learned to do 540 unispins to seat in, even off 20in drops, allways seat in, so its jsut preference man

collective idiots guide to unispins has my frame by frame analysis of 360 unispins. hope it helps. also look at the search button…!!!