360 Sidespin Video

Oh my god!

Is that a unicycle trick that actually looks impressive to non-unicyclists, even at full speed?


just tell shaun
its that simple

that would be insane

that is a cool trick, and you made it look easy

That was cool. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it before. If you’re the only (or first) person you know who’s doing it, why do you need Shaun to name it? I like the sound of Mickflip (or McFlip if you can stand the McDonalds connotation), the only reservation I’d have on that is that it isn’t a flip.

And “Mick360” doesn’t sound very cool…

Thats why he wanted shaun to name it mickflip if he landed that with a crankflip in it.

I think mickspin/McSpin sounds good too.

He already named it a 360 sidespin.

But that was totally !!!SWEET!!! you own man.

he should call it the mctwist

I think that is completely up to him.

But yes mctwist does sound cool especially because it’s a skateboarding trick!

on that thought, i like how the trick names have nothing to do w/ another sport
sidespin sounds good and hard.

“The McFlurry”

that’s pretty awesome!

dang that was pretty sweet. I’ve done something similar to this but it was a 180 unispin from sib to sif (1 handed). I really liked how you started and ended seat in; it makes it look alot better.

As for naming, how about:

360 sidespin (the trick you did in the vid)
360 sideflip (if a crankflip was added in)

Me too, except I don’t think it started seat in, it just looks like it from that angle.

But one handed makes it look better then if it was the normal two handed unispin hand position…


I’ve been dreaming of this trick for a while and very happy to see you do it!!!

Hi Dylan!!!

this trick is sick!
iam waiting to see more kevin stuff!

after i saw he on defect he become one of my idols!

why dont call it MacSpin

it’s the MacSpin360sidespinTheMcFlurrymctwistmickspin/McSpinvarialvarialfitfhmickfliptheMcMullin(also know as the frikking awesome trick Kevin mcmullin created.) trick

why don’t we all try to learn it rather than name it :stuck_out_tongue:

Cause we suck.
I say 360 Mcspin is a good name

it’s not our frikkin trick to name!!!

haha, yep. Kevin called it a 360 sidespin. ha. That’s what i’ll be calling it. Whoever flips it first will name that too. Won’t be me though. Not my style, but i’ld love to see that trick flipped.

-Shaun Johanneson

Hey did you guys see that Kevin’s video was rated “Top Rated in Sports” for today.

It was #91 out of 100 but still pretty cool.