Seriously makes me wonder if the paper was completely free of markings!
Holy Shit! thats amazing
When i was three and I did fingerpainting, I just stuck my whole hand in the paint and smeared it around on the paper.
You notice that for MOST of the time you only see a closeup a hand, and the very FEW full shots of the kid doesn’t stay on him long enough. I’d love to believe what I “think” I’m seeing, but I’m sceptical.
It’s also amazing how the painting dries so fast. Those types of paints take at least a half hour to dry. Yet why is the kid still sitting there on top of his painting when it finally dries. Don’t they hang it up somewhere so it dries faster?
that is not relly a 3 yer old is it.
I was going to say the same thing. An adult could have been holding his arm and he could just be a compliant boy.
It’s definitely fake…go to the website it says at the end, Advertisements EVERYWHERE. They’re just exploiting the little boy, pretending he has talent, to gain publicity for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
I gotta get my dog started on creating art. She’s really smart.
I could sell the paintings on Ebay!! And get rich, rich, RICH!!!
I did that too and it was really fun because no one cared.
yeah idk…but still if the kid could paint like that id be amazed…
did anyone watch the shadow puppet video on the website…its cool…
hes not realy a genius,but he’s very good at art!
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