does anyone know any neat things that can be done by 3 unicyclers, 2 of which can ride forwards decent, and turn ok. I’m the most advanced, I can hope and idle. We have a gig coming up and we’ve gotta put together a routine I think, thank you…
Circle Drill: All ride in a circle, same direction. At a prompt or whistle, everyone does a u-turn to the outside to reverse the circle direction. When you have more people you can have some turn out and others remain inside and you end up with two circles going opposite directions.
Line Drills: Start in a front to back line or side by side line. At the prompt or whistle everyone turns 90 degrees to the right. do this four times and you’re right back where you started.
Formation Hopping: Time group hopping to some music. Start with 90’s , then to 180’s, if you got any 360ers go for it.
this sounds really stupid but people react to it very well
one rider bends over as far forward and extends his arms behind him
another rider holds his arms and ‘drives’ him like a cross between a wheel-barrow and a motor-cycle
if the bent-over unicyclist then proceeds to make motor-cycle noises with his mouth it does increase the ‘stupid’ index just a bit but people do tend to fall about laughing
ditto for one rider just riding and pushing another uni along
it makes wheelies an absolute doddle
u must try this one
it’s dead simple and i have no idea why people dig it as much as they do
this also allows u to do a ‘uni-ride of death’ where u get the rider who’s uni u’re using to lie down on the ground and u aproach from his feet
the uni that u’re pushing is now the front wheel of a very supple b*ke so u can ‘ride’ the front wheel on one side of his body while u ride on the other side
something else can best be described as a ‘moving uni celtic knot’
two riders ride toward one another with inside arms outstretched, grab hands, do half a circle and release, at this point, the stronger rider grabs the other hand of the third rider and do half a circle with him
back to the first one
and so on
the description sounds a bit clumsy (a bit?! it sounds like a rhino on a coker. with a flat wheel dave!)
but it’s sure to make sense when u try it
three riding arms length apart with hands on your neighbours shoulders and arms straight
two riding like that and then picking up the third person from standing and riding off
(try this from a standing start first)
this thread should really be next door
when and where is your gig?
are u getting paid for it?
make notes of all the ideas on this thread and take them with u
u haven’t mentioned how long your gig is
i thought i’d just mention that an hour can be very a long time if u’ve used up all your ideas after 15 minutes
Thats a good description of " the knot" that I talked about eariler, just we do it with out the hand clasp. The hand clasp probadly makes it look better.
Thank you again everyone, and yes i’ll have to make notes.
As far as the gig information goes I don’t know all that much. It’s at my friends parents church, i’m not sure why, but they want unicyclers, maybe just to ride around. Also don’t know how long. But it’s me who’s 23, and been riding a year, Josh, who’s been riding like a month and is around 12, and Caleb, who’s been riding longer than Josh and is maybe 10. So we’re not gonna be some professional show, and the payment we get is saying we did it, but it was an oppertunity that came up and we’re gonna take it and have fun with it.
i never realised that every rider does a figure 8!
this pattern also gets to be interesting when u try n extend it to 5 or 7 riders
Andrew, are u guys going to try n wear costumes of some sort?
or just something uniform?
if it’s a food-y kind of function, u may want to take a couple of smallish, round trays
we’ve done that in the past where we glued empty glasses and drinks cans onto the tray and ride around like mock-waiters
it’s quite a compliment everytime someone asks u to go get them a drink from the bar
(unlikely to be a bar at the church function, i know, the concept could still work)
make sure u take some pics and tell us all about it afterwards
Ack! Pictures! thats a good idea, thanks for the reminder. : )
I guess there will be food there, Jim said it’s like a family fun day kinda thing, I could see us getting stuff for people depending on if we’re riding for a short time or an extended time, we’ll see, thanks for the tips.
yeah, i know, i’m like a stupid dog, i get hold of a thread and don’t let go untill it’s well dead
oh well
in which case u’re likely to have a bunch of kids floating around and some of them might want to have a go on the unis
make the decision ahead of time if u’re going to ‘let them’ and set yourselves up to help kids try the unis or if that’s a definate no-no
u may have to chat to the organiser about this as well
if u are going to let them try, u’ll need to make sure that the seatposts on your unis are easily adjustable
who knows, u might just hatch a lil’ uni-gang
I never thought of that, would you quit it already?!!
just kidding, i’m not sure if that’ll be an option, although if it is I have a 16 incher and various seat posts, we’ll see, thank you for bringing it up.
Well a good night for the three uniteers, and our honorary one, Calebs older brother. The 4 of us went to the local unicycle club. They were practicing for a performance, which they said we might be able to be in, but I think our gig is on the same day, oh well… wonder if the times are the same? anyways, we had a good time. I filled in for someone, doing hand slaps, going backwards, which is much easier when holding someone hand, doing the tunnel, fun stuff like that. Then Josh and Caleb joined for some of it. After that we watched them do different things with hula hoops, then my buddys tried it, while Calebs brother Josh kept trying to get a good few feet, which by the end he got pretty far. I think the club was glad to have us out, and we were glad to be there, plus it was good to see what they do to perform.
For details on how the gig went, check out the Christian Unicyclers page, I posted the day there, thank you again for all the great ideas, It’ll give us stuff to do as we become more proficient unicyclers : )