3 Months

I made a deal with my mum well she did after a 1 hour fight that i have to wait 3 months until i get my Nimbus ISIS splined hub trials uni. She reckons if im still uning in another 3 months then i can get a new uni. Did you have the same fight with your mum when you told her that it was $400.

She reckons im not going to stick with it and its just going to go in the corner, im so pissed off but it went from 6 months to 3 so i think i can bare it. So im going to show her that im still liking it after 3 months. By then i would be extra good at idling, free mounting and hopping.

So do u reckon this is fair or do u reckon my mum is a bit mean for doing this. I think she just thinks a unicycle is a bit silly and doesnt think that im taking it seriously. It annoys me because she doesnt think im serious about it and thinks it just a phase im having. Apart from watching uni vids 24/7, a pic of a uni for my desktop background, on unicycle community 24/7 and talk about them 24/7 she still doesnt get it that i like them heaps.

From Brendon.v

you never know she may well be saving you 400 dollars, i didnt have a fight over not liking it and sticking with it with my parents it was just the money issue.

Its only three months just learn to freemount, idle, ride backwards + SIF (seat in front) one footer and things that wont break what im guessing is a cheap 20inch.

ps. are you or your parents paying for it cause your 13 and i dont think have a job??

nah im paying for it. Thats tru ill learn all the tricks that wont break my cheap ebay uni. Btw my uni is the same uni as the axis range on UDC but without the brand. What they do is buy it and put there logo on it coz i had a look at the axis pic and my uni and there identical. ill post a pic of the resemblance.

axis 24" unicycle


My unicycle


The only thing thats different is the colour and the wheel. Oh yeh and the other one has a axis logo on it haha.

yeah just learn those ones i said if you do them before you get your new one then there are more you can find on the net.

When I got into unicycling there was no such thing as a $400 unicycle, except for custom stuff. I would not get into a fight with my mum about it because I was spending my own money, plus I was about to turn 18 which puts me in more of a place of “let him make his own mistakes.” This was my first unicycle (for about $120 US). All my other unicycle purchases were made after my 18th birthday.

You indicate that it’s your money. Did this money make its way to you from your parents, or outside work? This makes a difference. Besides, you’re pretty young and there’s no telling what other interests may come along for you. Time will tell. Plus, if your current unicycle suddenly has massive breakage, maybe they’ll “bend” on the 3-month thing…

What? You’re still learning the basics! Give yourself some time, man.

I don’t assume she said you weren’t taking it seriously today. I didn’t even buy a unicycle until I’d been riding more than three months. Consider yourself fortunate.

my mom was the SAME exact way when i asked for the $100 LX. she thought it was just a phase and she didnt get that i REALLY wanted one. she never let me get one. even to this day she hates to see me riding it. my dad bought it for me so i was good. she’s gonna claw me or something when i try to get a kh.

Waiting 3 months is a good idea. Not for the reason that you might lost interest (although that’s possible…) but because you don’t know everything you can learn on your current unicycle. If you don’t know how to hop, freemount, or idle, then a new $400 unicycle won’t really help. Get the basics down and then buy a good unicycle. And, who knows, you might come to learn that you like Freestyle more than trials. If you buy that trials one now, you might regret it later and wished you bought a Freestyle.

That’s what happened to me. I bought a DX only to learn I like Freestyle more. Oh well :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, my mom was the same way. She didn’t want to buy me my first unicycle because she thought I wouldn’t be determined enough to learn how, or to go ride. But I was able to surprise her by learning in a day.

Give yourself some time to think a little bit before spending 400 dollars.


yeah waiting a few months is a good idea. DO what you can on your uni now, and then get a better one. I only got a trials uni when i broke my cranks and pedals and realised i wanted a better seat for SIF, wanted a flat frame for tricks and needed a stronger crankset = new unicycle needed.

What! no difference… ok, lets try and find the similarities… oh yes I have it. It is a unicycle! :slight_smile:

All us boring grown ups sympathising with your mum! :roll_eyes:

My first uni was a 20 with a painted steel rim, a cheap BMX tyre, a seat made of hard steel with a thin sponge held on top with sticky cloth tape, cottered cranks and plastic pedals. The bearings were “lollipop” style, and held in place with 4 self-tapping screws - not nuts & bolts.

I rode miles on it, on and off road. I performed on it. It lasted me about 15 years before I bought my second uni. I’ve now been riding 20 years, and I own 4. (I have owned 7 or 8 at a time before cutting down to save space.)

The most basic and cheap unicycle in the world will do you for rides of 5 or 10 miles (8 - 16 km), for riding on paths, grass, simple single track and so on. You can idle on it, reverse on it, play hockey on it and drop down small kerbs. You can learn half a dozen different mounts. You can pedal one-footed. And so on. The world is your lobster.

History shows that most unicycling careers last only a few weeks. Most unicycles end up in the garage, shed or under the stairs. Those few of us who do make a long-term hobby of it learn more about the sport, and take the time to choose exactly the right unicycle for our purposes. I could never have predicted my favourite unicycle would be a 700c with a skinny high pressure slick tyre.

A unicycle is like a guitar, a saxophone or a stunt kite: it sounds great fun if you want one; it sounds like a waste of money to everyone else.

Earn your right to own a better unicycle. Don’t tell her she’s wrong; let her find out she had misjudged you.:slight_smile:

right on. Well after this 3 months is over i think she will see i did stick with it and like it a lot.
Thanks to everyone who has commented to far.
btw i can now free mount like 100% and am learning to idle. I can idle for about 10secs or so atm but soon ill be pretty good and by the end of this 3 months ill be good enough to start learning street moves. After i learn to idle i will learn to hop and then maybe ride backwards or something. When i get my uni ill post a video to show u guys what i have achieved so far and show u my new uni.
from Brendon.v