I liked it each time I got a new box, and was looking forward to one day becoming a glorious beacon of light. I will miss the Rep System for a minute or two…
There, I’m over it.
I liked it each time I got a new box, and was looking forward to one day becoming a glorious beacon of light. I will miss the Rep System for a minute or two…
There, I’m over it.
I agree with maestro, bring the rep system back, but make it difficult to achieve a high reputation. Have less points awarded for positive rep and also have the sender’s name automatically attached.
I think only I should have rep.
You definitely have rep.
I object!
we are NOT spamming.
read the first post!!
gilby is a fan of MR.
And its not spam. Once you read the whole thread you will notice how it is anything but spam.
If I could do per thread permissions, I would. It’s a thread that should require one to be logged in and should not count towards the post count, or rep.
yes, i quite agree with that.
i wouldn’t be in the lead if it wasn’t for MR.
I like the rep gone. It seemed to cause too much contravercy. People giving rep when it wasnt deserved (good or bad), just causes tension. And who wants to hear people fight over why someone gave them bad rep. And who wants to recieve bad rep when its not deserved. I like it gone. Its like old times.
Ill respond to the MR being spam in MR- its a little off topic here.
Rep was cool. It made the forum like a soap opera.
yeah a really crappy soap opera… rep doesnt really do anythin anyways. i think it was most used by me when i was a n00b cuz then i knew who to ask my questions to and such.
who to ask questions to? How about in the thread for all?
Gilby, thank you, thank you, thank you. At last a distraction about a distraction within a distraction. You are my hero.
Good call…
Good call, I completely agree and am glad that Gilby has removed the rep system.
I think you should have the same idea as rep points… exept without the squares and the point-keeping… I liked the way that you could comment to someone in perticular about ONE post and not write a whole PM about it.
In fact, that would be great… if you could please do somethig of the sort
Maybe we should see if there are special mouses that would allow our brother and sister forum denizens’ to give us a shock or caress depending on how they felt about a particular post. That would totally kick ass, no?
I think everyone would be in the red then…
That woud be crazy for msn messenger though… but yeah… I still stick by my “special post communication” thing… It would be crazy.
I’d like to see that too.
move it to the spam bin…BINGO! both problems solved.