3 accidents in half a month

Sometimes you have these kind of days…

1 (stupid):
Two weeks ago I’m riding on a footpath, early in the morning, very relaxed, as usual just on 20", and just drinkin’ Cherry Coke. I enter an empty crossing between the houses of that street, where I have the right of way. However I always slow down, as you just never know.
All over sudden a woman comes around the corner on bicycle with VERY high speed (on the footpath, while there is a cyclepath). Despite my slow speed, and even with my experience on unicycle plus my semi-pro bicycling experience, I can’t move away for only that half a body-width out of the line she’s in. And decide to let me be hit straigth in front (catching her handlebars to take over control).
She said “sorry”, but tells me I should not ride on the footpath neither. I tell her I should, as I’m pedestrian by law. She asks wether I’m sure. I tell her that if she wants to discuss I will call out the cops.
She’s I guess about 15 years older than I am, and I tell her she’s stupid to ride this unresponsible.
What if a baby-pushcart was there? Or someone in a wheelchair? Could have become even more disabled for life!
Then she starts talking in a way implicating I should shut up because she already said sorry. In other words I’m not allowed to complain I was just hit. I loose my patience with her, and want to put that adrealine-rush she caused at the right place. But as I wont hit women, I splash the entire content of my bottle of cherry coke into her haircut that must have took her 44 years to create. Now she starts screaming like a pig, telling me I’m an idiot. The tone in her voice made me conclude the result was even much better than I could have imagened. She goes back home, I turn 180 degrees to buy myself a new bottle.

2 (dumb):
The day before yesterday I was riding at a cyclepath, entering an overtake, where I had to yield to pedestrians.
A fat man watches my unicycling, keeping me in doubt wether he will or wont cross the cyclepath. It looks like he wont, so I ride on. So far so good, but…
When I passed him he keeps watching me, while he starts crossing the cyclepath… and he got hit by the bicyclist behind me.
But as the man was very fat and heavy, the bicyclist smacks to the ground! with an awfull sound.
In the Netherlands pedestrian are very protected by law. The worst thing you can do is making a crash at such a overtake.
Cause even if a pedestrian walked trough a red light there, it will be your mistake.
As I was’nt to blame (-she did’nt yield to the pedestrian-), I rather stayed out of any conversation, and as I saw that others took care of her already, I made my way out of there.

3 (wierd):
Today I was entering a crossing. The cycle-traffic-light for straight on is green, while the car-traffic-light for right is green as well (which means always a tricky situation). The car driver -who has to give way to me- is paying too much attention to me as unicyclist, he does’nt look in font, the road is wet, his car obvious has no ABS, and so he hits the car in front of him. As the crossing was busy… both drivers just continued their (different) ways without even stopping. Just like me.

Now the month is only half-way, but I do hope to always stay out of these kind of things.

Bike lights? Thats awesome.

That first one is priceles…I laughed my ass off.

i thought they all were good

i suppose that pouring Cherry Coke into a girls hair isnt as bad as punching her in the face. man pretty funny tho. and you were right, she shouldnt have been on the footpath and you had every right to be there. hehe

i thought fat people only lived in the US…

and i thorougly enjoyed the first story, although it’s too bad that you had to spend the money on another coke, and got hit by a bike for that matter.

^^^ same here

wayde- I’m a ninja:D

This should be in the funny comebacks thread!

Het eerste verhaal is geweldig Leo:D
Heb mij kapot gelachen.

HAHA, the first one is hilarious…i cant stop laughing, the other ones are pretty funny but the 1st one!!!

I have to say, when she tells you that you’re not a pedestrian by law after hitting you and then getting pissed off, I would have thrown my coke in her hair, too.

I, too, thought only fat people live here. Wow. A fat person in Europe = scary.

To me he looked like a tourist. Not because his overweight, but because of the clothes he was wearing. It was downtown, where you’ll hear more English than Dutch on the streets. But it’s always is dangerous to judge the book by it’s cover.

Maybe Harper’s right about the UK being a colony of the US. We seem to have loads of them here.

Absolute classic!

I would loved to have seen that!


HAh those were some great stories.

I especialy enjoyed the first one as it seemed like probably the best course of action without involving the police (which really would have been too much for both of you) Since you weren’t too badly hurt I would say she definatly got her comupance, and seriously how is she gonna explain that one. I find situations like that to be really annoying because there is little to do but you truly found the best course of action in the given situation.

On a similar note I want to be able to hop as high as a car hood so that the next time some car decides he can cut me off by pulling too far into the crosswalk I can simply jump onto his car and continue on my way.

In reply to your fist one:
I know she hit you but that does not justify you porring coke in here hair :roll_eyes:

leo, your coke incident is a good example of a nonviolent solution to a dangerous situation. if we could only fight wars with cola this world would be a better place.

how small of a world view must one have to have such thoughts? what next? bald people only live in the US? people with two feet only live in the US?

the world is much, much bigger than the US. would you believe there are actually 3 to 7 continents (depending on the model you’re using), america being only one (or two) of them? you guys should look into this phenomenon…

Well… no… the coke didn’t seem to be for her hitting them, it seemed to be in response to her trying to tell him angrily that he should not have been on the pedestrian path for her to hit, when there was a bike path.

I think it does… you get back at her without hurting her but she is now angry that she ever hit you. Its always interesting to meet those people again after youve done that.

Haha, Leo you’re so rude :smiley: