26'' Nimbus Oracle Frame

Just bought a 26’’ Nimbus Oracle Frame at the end of November and then encountered a miracle and found a 26’’ Triton! So I’m selling the Oracle Frame. It has been on no more than 12 rides consisting of light XC (pretty much just fire roads and dirt parking lots). Unfortunately, I have not mastered the art of catching the unicycle during UPDs, so there are a few small scratches on the rounded part of the frame, as well as one on the neck (see pics below). Otherwise it looks great. I took off the Nimbus stickers…preferred the simple look. Includes D’Brake and red nimbus seat clamp. One of the seat clamp bolts is close to stripped, but it still tightens, and those bolts are pretty easy to replace. I only used it on about two rides while I was waiting for my new seat post clamp to arrive by mail.

Asking $100 plus shipping from central California. Must have Pay Pal. PM for more pics.

Thanks for looking!


Interested! PM sent

Jeez Louise, a titanium frame and a carbon seat to go with your lightweight wheel. You’ll need to keep it tied down so that the first light breeze doesn’t blow it away. :slight_smile:

haha yeah. I’m kind of nervous to even take it on a ride. It’s just so PRETTY!! Waiting on a Thompson seat post from my LBS. Should be here by Thursday. Hopefully by then I will have justified spending so much money on a single unicycle.

I like to intentionally scratch new things. That way I don’t feel so bad when I crash it into something.

I think a number of us have noticed your recent purchases, and hope you post a photo of that bad boy (girl?) when you have it put together. It’s going to be a great one!

When the Thompson seat post comes in the mail, that will be the first thing that I do. :slight_smile:


Thanks bri!

btw, up in the right corner under thread tools you can close and lock the thread. Most people do this in trading post

Thanks! I was looking all over for instructions on how to do that!