24" Coloured Tyre?

Hey, i’m having real trouble tyring to find a 24" coloured tyre, prefferably red. I have seen plenty of colours for 20" but none for 24". Do any of you know where i can find one for my 24". Thanks

I have looked for one in the past as well. I mainly checked e-bay but never found one. I would definitely want red as well.

lmao i was gonna do orange and grey.

but everything i bought is red :astonished:

But i’d do it when my tired needs it :wink:

I’m not too sure what size theya re, but have you checked bike shops? I know that over here in NZ there’s a bike shop called Avanti that have coloured tyres for sale. I didn’t really have a look at sizes or anything though. I have a nice white-walled tyre. I think that these tyres has black walls and then coloured somewhere else. I"m not sure anymore though.

Can’t help with red but Halo do their Twin Rails in pink or green - no idea what its like but the colour is certainly BOLD. Heres a link http://www.halorims.com/HaloNew/tyres.htm

Hope that helps


Two girls in our hockey team ride the Halo Pink 24" tire that Roland links to above. It is a fantastic tire with very good grip and ideal for indoor riding. Max pressure is somewhere beyond 4.5bar.