here are my pics
Jerry (Houston), Joe (San Antonio) and I (Austin) completed this year’s Tour De Cure. We each did 108 miles. 50 on Saturday and 58 today. Check out the pics of Jerry riding past bikers walking up a hill. We past alot of bikers on the hills. But they coasted right past us on the downhill.
Jerry’s computer showed 11.8 mph moving average on day 1 and 11.2 on day 2.
I forgot to mention…
I did this on a ScottWallis seat with deathgrip handle. Man, was that nice - a place for both hands. No numbing. My crotch is in good shape.
Congratulations, guys! I know you all trained hard for it so it’s good to see that paying off.
Great job, guys! I am sorry I wimped out and didn’t do the Tour with you. You know I was there in spirit. I may not exactly have been the “wind beneath your wings” but I guess I was kind of the “air beneath your butts”. I am glad the saddles made the ride more enjoyable.
These guys have all done other Tour De Cure rides and MS150’s. Jerry just did a 155 mile MS ride 1 month ago. Very impressive.