I am now fairly experienced in riding forward on a unicycle (thanks to you guys but now i just need to work on getting on without support and turning. If you have any tips, plz reply. Thx
jsut practice a whole lot. im always out on my unicycle. try to unicycle whenever possible. make it your primary way of getting around. ive been doing it for about 14 months.
you get better and ride more smoothly slowly. So slowly, you don’t notice it, but eventually you’ll be able to ride and turn without thinking or anything. just keep practicing!
PS this thread ought to go in RSU…
Have a look at www.unicycle.2ya.com for tips and video tutorials…they may help.
All I can tell you is what worked for me back in 1986 when I first started doing this…
I used broom poles, but whatever is light and originally got you up on the thing in the first place will work fine…
I used broomsticks, which helped me get up on the thing at first…
then I used them to walk along (yes, very slowly for quite a while…)
Then I dropped the broomsticks and went along on my own…and of course my first unicycle came out from under me. I landed on my feet, and tried again…
(does any of this sound familiar?!?)
After I got used to going forward without any problem, I noticed that the person who originally instructed me would slightly lean into the direction that they wanted to go and it just kind of worked for him…
So, when I planned on making a turn I went back to using the broomsticks. I did’t need them anymore for balance but I kept them in my hands at this time. I decided to go in one direction and dropped the one I didn’t need…
I only used the broomstick that was going in the direction I wanted to go towards. If I wanted to go one way, I dropped the pole that wasn’t going in the direction I wanted to go.
At that time, I had mastered going forward, and was happy to be able to slow down doing that for a while. Before you make your first turn you should slow down ahead of time and get to a speed where you are comfortable - at that speed you are ready for your first turn.
When I made my first turn, I chose left - I planted the left broomstick gently down on the pavement ahead of me in the place that I thought it would only slightly change my direction and immediately let the pole go. It made me slightly swerve to the left and I got the idea from there…
Good luck!
PS. klown i like your Saw reference in your profile.