Hey, ive known how to 180 unispin for a while and now am trying to learn the 360 unispin, is it the same how you just have to commit to it?
If not what should i try doing>:)
Hey, ive known how to 180 unispin for a while and now am trying to learn the 360 unispin, is it the same how you just have to commit to it?
If not what should i try doing>:)
I’m working on the same thing. Te important thing that I’ve noticed, is to start with 360 jump mounts. You basically do the same thing as the 180 unispin, but you have to let go of the uni so it’s spining freely, whereas with the 180 you can (though it’s a bad habit if you ever want to do more than 180) hold on to the unicycle the whole time. Make sure you spin it as fast as you can, and throw your feet back in all the way. The best advice I’ve ever heard was that landing on the cranks instead of the pedals is still landing.
use the search function. All you really have to do is jump UP, not away from the unicycle. You’ll get it once you do that. I assure you that you aren’t going to fall once you commit fully the first time, unless you have no clue what you are doing haha. Get the hand motion down first.