1337 |5 013[-/2 /-\|/\|50|\/|

/-\6/2’’[) ?

does any one know what 1337 is?

A number…


Yes. Leet is uber awesome. I agree.


1 = L
33 = ee
7 = t

See elite. :smiley: :smiley:

i was just seeing if anyone knew what it was cuzz i would have thought people would have jumped on the topic but a time passed and nothing so i was wondering, i felt like i was talking to myself

or for you 133735

1 \X/@$ j|_|$+ $331||6 1|= @||/0|\|3 |<|\|3\X/ \X/|-|@+ 1+ \X/@$ (|_|zz 1 \X/0|_||[) |-|@\/3 +|-|0|_|6|-|+ |*30|*|3 \X/0|_||[) |-|@\/3 j|_||\/||*3[) 0|\| +|-|3 +0|*1( |}|_|+ @ +1|\/|3 |*@$$3[) @|\|[) |\|0+|-|1|\|6 $0 1 \X/@$ \X/0|\|[)3|21|\|6, 1 |=3|+ |13|< 1 \X/@$ +@||<1|\|6 +0 |\/|/$3||=

This thread fails.

Leet was neat when I was 12.

Have to disagree.

I doubt you could even understand yourself when you’re talking that gibberish.

you fail

heres a picture of u failing

Leet… The answer is “NO”

Takes longer to type, and makes it harder for the reader to understand.

Although it can be funny when used in correct moderation it ends up being utterly useless.



i agree

well of course! Who else would ride a unicycle and spend too much time on an online forum devoted to it?

Translate please :slight_smile:

begins with “I was”, just work out what each letter the stmbols represent

A shortcut might be found |-|3.-3

0|-| `/32, |-|3|_|_0 573/3||:)

i was just seeing if anyone knew what it was cuzz i would have thought people would have jumped on the topic but a time passed and nothing so i was wondering, i felt liek i was talking to myself