Comment please.
sick you get some mean air
Now do it on flat
Not really impressive for me, I’d rather see a 540 on flat ground.
540’s are so common though. How many 1260’s on a trampoline have you seen?.. or 1260’s period. I couldn’t do it.
Nice job Colby.
Thank you Kevin.
I never said it was impressive. I would’ve shouted at something impressive. I hardly even said “Yes.” and that was when I turned off the camera.
Awesome! Maybe this might be a good way for me to learn 3 spins–and cranks flips for that matter. Maybe, and maybe not, lol. Good job.
They made be common but I’d rather see a 540unispin on the ground
It’s the same for acrobatics for me, I’d rather see a sideflip on solid ground that a quadruple backflip on a trampoline.
Nice. Is it hard to keep it spinning straight?
Yes. It’s hard to keep it spinning straight, and it’s hard to get JUST the perfect jump.
ok for once im gone try n resolve an argument rather than start one (so out of character for me lol). colby, go land it on flat and then everyone will b happy (or not cos we all just instantly b like “f*ck! i’m so far behind now!”) lol
pogo stick
geez i didnt stay neutral for very long hahaha
Colby, you are a beast.
Dude, are you having a hard time writing something positive on some one else videos. I’d rather see you do a 1260 on trampoline then seing you do a 540 on ground.
Awesome job colby
very nice job!
you have never done something on a trampoline right ?its even hard to jumpe on it. i think that
s really awesome, and btw the first in the world??
keep it up man