This happened just a few days ago in a school near mine
two families shattered
I was stunned when i heard about it.
This happened just a few days ago in a school near mine
two families shattered
That actually does not happen in “the big cities in the US” because the kids go through metal detectors and cannot bring weapons to school. We are much safer.
I wonder what the motive was.
This is a bit off topic, but…
It wasn’t until recently that I realized my kids have dozens of deadly weapons at their disposal. The kitchen knives. They’re totally in reach from about 4 years old.
I haven’t made any attempts to make them inaccessible, but it doesn’t make me worry much. The kids understand the danger or handling them, and the wrongness (huh that’s a word) of hurting living things.
My pop collected and even produced various types of historical weaponry. Everything from swords and spears to flintlock rifles. Even taught me how to use them.
IMHO, exposing kids to weapons at a young age allows them to develop a healthy respect for them.
kids who stab people to death understand the wrongness of it, as do kids who steal. don’t piss them off.
Pshh, not so. My sister has walked through metal detectors and been frisked entering school while accidentally carrying a hunting pocket knife she carries in her coat for safety, and they didn’t catch it. There are fights at our school everyday, and the security guards aren’t very competent. Plus there are tons of other ways to sneak stuff into school, like windows, and straight through doors after school when security isn’t very tight. Good thing most of the kids at my school aren’t too smart either, so the metal detectors are mostly a scaring tool so they don’t even try to attempt bringing weapons in.
You don’t understand. Billy doesn’t need to be safe, Billy just needs to feel safe. Having metal detectors, drug-free zone signs, security guards, and gun-free zone signs makes Billy feel safe.
a HUNTING KNIFE!!! Does your mother know about this??!!
She could hurt someone, or get suspended!!!
I think you’re all missing the good that came out of this, a Facebook memorial group. Nobody wants to die unfriended.
How long did it take you to compose and proofread that post?
Composition took about the same time as it takes you to switch in between your aliases. Proofreading is for the birds.
I totally agree with you. I have grown up with guns in the house, my dad used to be on a shooting team and he and I hunt every year. If a kid realizes the powerfulness of that certain weapon, he will respect it. I have great respect for guns, even though I have been around them all my life, my hands still shake when I hold a gun. Just the thought that I have, in my hands, the power to kill someone is scary.
Ever drive a car? I think people too often forget the danger of those too.