12 Year old side hop record?

Does anyone know the record for a 12 year old side hop??? (As in age)
Im looking into getting into trials and im 12 sooo… I wana know how good i am!:smiley:

I don’t think there any non-unicycle side hop records that have held for 12 years.

If you’re asking about unicycle trials, try asking in RSU. If you’re into other trials, stay out of juvy.

Your momma says you’re a good boy.

Sorry but i was talking about the age of the person who did the hop…And i was talking about on a unicycle so sorry if i wasent very clear.

Then we are in a sorry state indeed.

Did you understand the hint that unicycle content goes in RSU? We don’t post unicycle threads in JC without someone usually jumping in with a gentle, and usually sarcastic, reminder.

Ok Sir. Haha :roll_eyes:

Pedophile alert :astonished:


edit: there are no age specific records… and not too many 12 year olds that ride and get to post here…
its probably around 3 1/2 or 4 feet, i would be very impressed to see a 12 year old doing 3 feet consistently.

Oh. I thought he was asking about side hops from 12 years ago. Mine has stayed about the same, but then again I don’t really practice like I used to…

I think ill be up to 3ft soon. I started doing trials last saturday and i can do over 2ft si and no prehop easy. I think i might be able to go higher with a prehop and using sif. But i still have time to practice lol.

I could side hop like 5 or 6 feet when I was 12, that was like 20 years ago though. I am much better now.

Wrong. If you look online, you will see some Unicon age group divided records. At least if you were to do it in 2005(I think) when I did.

Wow, habby…

Man u were good :roll_eyes: How good are you know :roll_eyes:

Habbywall may be confusing two different versions of side hop. Back when we first had a long jump competition at unicycle conventions it was called the side hop because people were better at that than rolling hops. Soon afterward it was combined into a single event, using the traditional track & field name of Long Jump. Nowadays we use side hop for height. It’s not the same thing as High Jump because in a high jump you have to clear a bar, which is a lot harder. Side hop is up to a platform or ledge.

OOO That does explain. Thanks:D

I think he’s also confusing his age! 20 years ago he hadn’t been born yet! And if he was 12 years old 20 years ago, then that would make him…minus 33? Unless his stated age of 19 is wrong. :stuck_out_tongue:

Or he was just purely joking.

Or maybe he is confused :roll_eyes:

My seat in sidehop is stuck at about 6 feet on flat, not for hight
Any pointers?