12 speed uni

The uni i currently own goes to slow for me, so I was contemplating building or buying a uni with gears. I have never heard of or seen a uni with gears and was wondering if they even exist.

I could see making a girafe with gears, but was still unsure of where to put the shifting gears and the shifter. I would prefer to make a road uni (as I call them) that is of regular size (a few feet tall). With that presents a new problem where to put any gears and shifters.

If anybody knows were I could buy a road uni or has any ideas or plans on how they maid one or what they think would work please respond. Plus if you have had any luck good or bad could you tell me what you think you did wrong when building it and what you think I could do to avoid that.


Logan :slight_smile:

This topic has been done to death. Try using the ‘search’ feature. :slight_smile:


Thanks Mike :slight_smile: