11:07 last night in Minneapolis - assault on unicyclist

Some mid-to-late-thirty year olds that I know are way too busy buying and drinking beer too.
Me for one.

Oh yes there is.
(Pardon me while I continue playing detective here, itā€™s a slow day in radioland.)
If a youngster got bailed out of such a situation by a substantially older guy, he wouldā€™ve mentioned it.
(ā€œThen this really old guy came running out of his house and klapped the one guy with this kewl police-like batonā€¦ā€)
Guaranteed the neighbour is within 7 years of his age, 30-44.


We cant let this happen again. Sounds like bounty hunting time. You in?

Good show dad! Iā€™ll bet that your son was at first hesitant about ā€˜squealingā€™. Last fall my boys and I were in a similar situation and I forced the issue to a good resolution. The offending boyā€™s mom clamped down on him and all is now well. Silence is not always golden.

I provided an audiotaped interview with a Sgt. Erick Fors this morning. He informed me that the vehicle was towed this morning as a cautionary measure because it is, ā€œmovable evidenceā€. The fools ended up at home early this morning even though the squad cops interviewed the parents last night. Seems that it was important that the attempted pickpocketer was the white boy from that address. So sometime today Sgt. Fors will bring me a photo line-up and Iā€™ll see if I can pick out the criminals. Iā€™m a bit nervous about it - I mean, itā€™s not like I took a picture of these guys last night. I sure as hell want to pick out the right ones.

Funny how threads develop sometimes!! OK detective, Iā€™ll play. Lets see if we can pin down this age thing. Clue: my current age is a prime # and in 15 months or so, will it be a prime # again? Hmmm, I didnā€™t have to ā€˜think mathā€™ very long to know.
As for my neighbor, I think that your sleuthing skills are working well.

Thatā€™s a spoon.

the Unicycle Vigilantes!!

Well, assuming that youā€™re right about your age being a prime number, and the next-next b-day being a prime number, youā€™re 29 or 41. I donā€™t know if you meant Dave had the right numbers, or the right theory, though, so I canā€™t say much about that.

^never mind

He said 15 months or so, that could be two birthdays away, or if his birthday is within the next three months 3 birthdays away.
Iā€™m guessing 29 and 31 though.

Lets see what the legal system does with this. Cheers.

A taser would look sweet holstered on your seatpost.

Youā€™re 29 or 41.

Edit: Oops - monkeyman beat me to it.

I see youā€™ve played knifey-spoony before.

Bad luck on the incident Genbirch. I bet you wish youā€™d been riding on ice with a studded tyre when you were fighting them off with your wheel.

Situations like that are horribleā€¦ Youā€™re very lucky they managed to track down the offending egits so quickly.

Iā€™m not sure if I should say this or not.
But I just looked at his Profile Page and it seems to me pretty obvious as to his age if were keeping it between the 29 or 41 already suggested.

Two prime number, the difference being two?
Letā€™s start from 25 and up:
29, 31, 37, too big.

Youā€™re 29! Kickass.

But we were already told itā€™s closer to 35 than it is to 25.


Glad you ended up ok, I would carry the gas stuff from now on though
