10s Ne1?

Does anyone else play tennis on a regular basis?

I wish…I used to play a little, and I really enjoy it, but I can never find anyone to play with me :frowning:

used to be coached , i didnt find it fun though

This should be in JC.

thats what she said


federer just won his 5th strait wimbledon! hurrray
ya i play tennis

i play tennis it is fun i want to play it on a unicycle i posted a thread on that once EDIT: linkige http://www.unicyclist.com/forums/showthread.php?t=62031

I can kick serve now! w00t!

Whats a kick serve?
I used to play quite a bit actually.

when you serve you put topspin on the ball. pretty tricky cause you kind of have to hit the ball behind your head, but once you get the timing and motions down its so easy to hit it in. because of the topspin the ball arcs down more and then bounces higher making it harder to return.