it’s time for:

I’ve hit 1000.
… i gotta get a life.

in the words of Zack Baldwin… “so pretty much all i do is work. And unicycle.”

i’m there.
I’ve never had this many posts on a forum before.
kind of makes me feel special.
in a way…



Ok so here’s my history of unicycling:

June '03: Saw unicyclist in South lake tahoe carrying his groceries home. This was my inspiration to start unicycling.

July '03: Borrowed mom’s friend’s son’s unicycle. Can’t remember what kind it was,learned about 3/4 of the way on that. Then i took a break because the guy wanted his unicycle back.

June '04: After constant nagging, my aunt finally lent me her unicycle that she hadn’t used since she was 14. That same unicycle is now my freestyle cottered uni. It is hanging in my garage with a new tire, pedals, seat, and seatpost. Learned the rest of the way to ride unlimited distances.
But it was still only a novelty item. Rode it as transport for walking my dog up and down the street. Realized i could probably do more.
after awhile i put it down and only took it back out as an entertainment item.

June '05: After working on my smoothness of riding, and a bit of one foot riding, i met Kyle, Kari, and Lloyd Johnson. i met kyle and kari in karate class, and then proceded to later find out that they did unicycling. Showed me Unicyclist.com, and helped me shop for a new unicycle. Went to CMW in (september?) of '05. This is when i seriously started to work on my skills and more extreme stuff.

I have my 1000th post on unicyclist.com, and have many new friends, met and unmet, around the globe because of this sport.
Thanks to all who have helped me on my way to where i am today. The sport has seriously improved almost all aspects of my life, and made me a MUCH better person.

I remain,
Cableman Jorge. I mean Abbabibble.

Time for your initiation ceremony…

that was like the BEST 1000th post thread I’ve ever seen.
nice job!

Ole, Jorge!