100 bucks down the drain to uni.com

well a couple weeks ago i ordered all the air pillow and cover stuff… i ordered the roach ballistic in gold but they sent me a all black kh one. so i phone (uni.com) and they said “the kh and and roach saddle cover are the exact same”. So i proceed on making this air seat. Then i try to fit the cover on… and guess what!?, it dosnt fit. So i phone again and they say “theres nothing we can do about it, you will just have to send it back” . Well if i send it back and pick it up again it will be like 35$ ( i have no money now from x-mas shopping) so im pretty well screwed. they also say “you’ll just have to buy a miyata”… how much are miyatas like 50$ u.s.! i have to pay in canadian. That just go to show how much money you can lose over the internet and phone.

      peace, evan

That is strange. I don’t have much experience with uni.com, but from what I’ve heard they’ve always been good with the customers.

thats weird. id try again if i were you. maybe you got someone in a bad mood. a lot of times theyll let you keep the mistake(so you can send it to me) and send you a new one.

no im pretty sure i didnt get the same person,i called like 5 times, once it was a lady, once a guy, (the lady was grouch and the man didnt have a clue) casey was good tho.

the only problem is that bedford dosnt sell all the things uni.com does, but i’d buy all the stuff i can from bedchev

you see, this is much more civilized than “I HATE UNICYCLE.COM!!!”

They tend to make quite a few mistakes.
They are usually good about making up for them.
It’s still discouraging nontheless.


someone started a post with that title with a minor complaint about uni.com, its in the RSU forum if you care to search for it

Am I correct in hearing your trying to make an airseat based on a kh seat? if so, the only way it could work (that I know of) is to take out all the foam it comes with, and replace the cover as well. the Roach (and kh I suppose) covers are made to be used on miyata seats, although iv seen them wokr on viscounts. kh seats are just designed to not need an airseat. however… I could be just reading this wrong…

no im not making it with a kh

oh, Never mind then.

I believe the new Roach covers branded by Kris Holm ™ with the Kris Holm logo. You can see one of the new KH seat covers in this gallery

they should atleast change the pic on unicycle.com because you think your gunna get the roach but they send you a plan black kh, so if you order a colour to match your uni but you get a black one then its all messed up

i hear you there.i was told awile ago that they where going to update their photo’s but if you order a Wide Byte you still get a black sidewall instead of that nice red one.

Hi Evan.

If you ever run into a situation like this, call me. It’s human nature to complain to others, but wouldn’t it be better to go straight to the source when you have a problem? I’ll await your call.

Thanks. Wishing you a merry Christmas!


John, it seems that he did go straight to the source, five times. This thread is just feedback to the newsgroup. I think it is interesting to hear how other people have troubles. I don’t mind too much as long as they get sorted out, at least it lets you know that things can go wrong so it is not such a surprise when it does. I remember an order to NZ being delayed due to someone at Unicycle.com going to a Banjo festival. I thought that was pretty funny.

well the guy i talked to that didnt under stand the canadian language, his name was John … hmmmmmm

I must not understand the canadian language either. I am not sure exactly what the problem is. Best I understand it is you got a seat cover that was a different than the color than you ordered. Is this the entire problem? Or is there another problem that needed to be addressed.

Fortunately I rarely have to have them ship anything to me(though I have had at least 3 flawless shipments), since they are about 45 minutes across town from me. They are about 5 minutes from my Dad’s house, and they drive past his house to get to the warehouse. I was at the warehouse picking up a new Uni for my daughter, and I saw them Next Day shipping a product to a customer who got an incorrect order. So I know if they mess up they take care of you. Do you have any idea what it costs them to Next Day an item to a customer? It is expensive, and likely they will not only not make anything on the order, but will loose money. So the bottom line is it stinks all the way around. Also keep in mind that this is peak time for them, and in an effort to get everything shipped so people get it in time for Christmas, mistakes tend to happen. In my business, when it gets busy(for us that is 125+ packages a day) we inevitably have shipping errors. We have checks and balances, but they still slip through.

So not only do I consider the Drummonds friends, they are fellow small business owners, and I can empathize with their predicament. I can assure you they don’t want to have these problems, and even more so they wouldn’t want people on this forum thinking they don’t take care of their customers. I can say that it is my experience that they do take care of their customers, and many times do let customers know through e-mail when something ships differently than it should.

As for the pictures, they are between a rock and a hard place. They were having the pictures taken by professional catalog photographers and would update pics as the pictures were available. They went through two recently trying to get what they wanted in a timely manner. It wasn’t working out. So John has decided to take over the task himself and is setting up a studio to take the catalog photos himself. They used to do this themselves originally(Amy has a photography background). I think as the business grew, and their time to do this became rare it seemed like a time saver to hire out to someone who does it all the time. It turns out, that this wasn’t the case, and probably took more time than it should have. So, I would expect that once they are happy with their setup and can take photos as new things come available or change it will be updated much quicker in the future.

OK, I was born in the morning, but not yesterday morning.

)----(x) = uni-2-death


  1. Uni-2-Death last post is 12-17-03
  2. )----(x) First post 12-17-03
  3. Both claim to be members of Royal Riders
  4. Uni-2-Death was posting about Viscount air pillow seat conversion, )----(x) posting about parts for seat conversion
    (If you are 11 you may want to get a little help with the conversion, it isn’t exactly the same as gluing a model airplane together.)
    5.uni-2-death signed Mevs in a post
  5. )----(x) signed Evan, not exact but strangely similar
  6. This question in a previous post by uni-2-death
    "well uni-2-death is my first account… and when i log into my other account (not uni-2-death) when i post it still puts me down as uni-2-death not my other account, so i was thinking if i delete it… it cant

confusing? lol

So bottom line, it is a little disingenuous to sign in under multiple names just to smear unicycle.com. I find it offensive and immature, but what can you expect from an 11 year old. I don’t think the problem is with your being Canadian, but more likely with your inability to communicate your problem in an adult fashion to the people at unicycle.com. Instead of signing in under multiple user-names to badmouth the company and make the problems appear worse than they are, work it out with them.