10,000 PM's

Ya’ll should help me get to my goal of 10000 PM’s. Sending a PM every once in a while would help. Habbywall also has the idea but he tooked it right from me.

What? Do you think this is Gmail with unlimited space to archive useless messages? :roll_eyes:

party pooper

Has anyone ever got 10,000 PM’s?

When you say 10k PMs, you do mean private messages and not posts right? Because if you mean private messages then :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:

yeh private messages…I have almost 1000 (i need 90ish more)

No the point is (or at least it should be) to get to 10,000 because that’s the allowed limit. Don’t you wonder what would happed if you went over the allowed limit?

Is that from like, buncha different people or did someone just turbo-pm you?

I wonder too that’s why i said what i said. :smiley:

mostly Terry, but it wasnt for the purpose of turbo-PM’ing, we were actually talking and stuff.

Well i hope you get to your goal of 10k PMs my friend. :smiley: :smiley:

Of course not, if it was unlimited he wouldn’t be trying to reach the limit…

I’ll help you!

I have 14,617 PM’s. You’ll never catch me. You lose. Give up. Let this useless thread die.

hmmm…I don’t know Harper, you might have extra special privliges for being old…

I didn’t steal it from you. I thought of it myself, only a few days after you.
And, my campign is better, because my sig has a link to PM me, yours just says help me in my quest to get 10,000 PM’s. :stuck_out_tongue:

I have already reached my personal goal of zero PMs. People try to send them to me from time to time, but I have the feature turned off. Want to get hold of me? Send me an email.

I do use PMs occasionally, but “out in the world,” not here.