+1 for unicycles

about 5 minutes ago my sister called me over to the TV because she saw some unicycling on an afternoon program called “The Shak”
it featured two guys (i forget their names [smacks forhead]) demonstrating the extremer side to unicycling. Jumping down stairs, riding down stairs, stalls on a rail, unispins and crankflips.
An excellent way to promote unicycling and showing its not just for clowns eh?

Yes Yes Why-eee-ess!!!

Methinks that was Alex Toms and Matt Porter, I heard about them (or someone who rides with them) would be on that show a while ago but I didn’t see it.

Not long ago on a program called “whacked out sports” which is normaly pretty lame but some times quite funny I was very suprised to see Dan Heaton riding, it actuly showed him for quite a while and unlike the rest of the program it didnt have the same comentry over the top of it trying to make it more funny.

i saw that , pretty cool even if the acual swhow is quite gay

but yeah, the show sucks something severe…
And also i think i vaguely remember one of the unicyclists featured was called Matt.

i saw that, my brother yelled at me and i caught the last minute. I remmember the name Dan and this uni right here… or something similar

damn i wish i saw that. i REALLY wish i had so i could see some recent riding of tomsey (HINT HINT) and i want to see matty p. riding cos i’ve only seen i few videos of him.
that show’s pretty lame though. curio, nitro, eco, picaso. LOL.

I’ve seen one of those, you can look it up in the gallery, 2 parts each around 12 minutes long
look up dan or heaton and see what you get.

some people never will :roll_eyes: but hopfuly most will

Will what? Learn that the meaning of words can change? :roll_eyes: