1,000 Reps: Objective Rating of the Difficulty of Various Skills

And push mush - that is a must for stringing combos.
And varial ( one half rolling wrap and then walk the body 360o)

Many of these I will fail at miserably, but when I get good at some, eg push mush and seatwrap, I’ll have a head start on the others.
I’m just talking about myself…aber ich finde der ueben des anderen interessant, also ich habe meinen geschrieben.
(correct me?)

OK. One last update for today:
I extended the list to 20 tricks, so that with 50 reps each, I can do 1000 reps a day, and on the 20th day, I will have done 1000 reps for each of these skills. I am on an improvement kick, and I think organization is the most appropriate way to excell quickly. Here’s my new list, and what has been done today so far. It’s 3 AM, so I will have finished the list by 4, and then I can go sleep. I have no job and I’m with my parents until the 16th, when the next semester starts.
REPS: 1000 every day
DEC 30
Crankroll Mount:50
Fakie Crankroll Mount:50
Backroll Mount:10
Rolling Wrap:50
Koosh Koosh:50
Seat Wrap:50
Donkey Kick:50
Push Mush:50
Fakie Push Mush:50
Fakie 1ft idle:50
Fakie 1foot:50
Pedal Grab:0
High Jump:0
Varial Roll:0

I’m going to keep a word document on my desktop to ensure that I actually get this done. By the 18th, I am hoping to have all of these tricks down, and those ‘mounts’ will disappear and become the real thing in a week or so.


REPS: 1000 every day
DEC 30
Crankroll Mount:50
Fakie Crankroll Mount:50
Backroll Mount:90/90
Rolling Wrap:50
Koosh Koosh:50
Seat Wrap:50
Donkey Kick:25
Push Mush:50
Fakie Push Mush:50
Fakie 1ft idle:50
Fakie 1foot:50
Pedal Grab:50/100
High Jump:100/100
Varial Roll:75/100
Total:1115 /1265

Yesterday, I made up for some of what I didn’t do two days ago. I have to finish that today.

nice brah. wish i had the motivation to practice all them tricks. i’ve tried at least 2500 turnarounds now. little bitches…

OK, this is going to be the last post I make like this for a while because everytime I post in here it automatically bumps the thread, and some would find it distasteful to have a face full of Lance everytime they entered the Articles and Tutorials section.

Past two days: New Year’s Eve I was drunk, New Year’s Day I was hung over, and Today I am quite sore. But I’m hangin’ in there as long as I can. I have seen improvement on EVERY trick on this list within the first four days.

DEC 31
Crankroll Mount:50
Fakie Crankroll Mount:50
Backroll Mount:50
Rolling Wrap:50
360 Unispin:50
Koosh Koosh:50
Seat Wrap:50
Donkey Kick:75/75
Push Mush:50
Fakie Push Mush:50
Fakie 1ft idle:50
Fakie 1foot:20
Pedal Grab:0/100
High Jump:30
Varial Roll:75/75

Total:920 /1150

Crankroll Mount: 50
Fakie Crankroll Mount:50
Backroll Mount: 50
Fakie Backroll Mount:50
Seat Wrap:50
Rolling Wrap:50
360 Unispin:50
Koosh Koosh:50
Donkey Kick:50
Push Mush:50
Fakie Push Mush:50
Stand-up Wheelwalk:21/80
Fakie 1foot:0/80
Pedal Grab:100/150
High Jump:70/70
Varial Roll:50

Total: 1012/1230

As you see, as I learn tricks, I swap them out for ones I can NOT do. On the 31st, I swapped the 180 unispin for 360. Yesterday, I swapped the fakie 1-foot idle for the Standup Wheelwalk. Today, I am adding in the 180 stepover in place of the fakie 1-foot. I won’t do any more substitutions for a while, probably, except for replacing the “Roll Mounts” with the actual Rolls.

From now on, I will post only my totals, and I will do it every five days for the next fifteen days.


I know I said I wouldn’t do this, but fuck it; I’m proud of my hard work today!

I added in two more new skills, so it is now 1100 reps/day, though if I get too sore and only make it to 20,000 on the 18th - my original goal, I’m not going to beat myself up. I’m only human, and I’m already taking the maximum dose of ibuprofen. :slight_smile:

Crankroll Mount: 50
Switch Crankroll Mount:50
Backroll Mount: 50
Switch Backroll Mount:50
Seat Wrap:50
Rolling Wrap:50
180 Unispin:50
Koosh Koosh:50
Donkey Kick:50
Push Mush:50
Switch Push Mush:50
Stand-up Wheelwalk:90/109
180 Stepover:81/130
Pedal Grab:50/100
High Jump:50
Varial Roll:50
Total: 1225/1218 (NOW 1318)

Slacked a bit yesterday…made up for it today. Almost finished up, but got so tired by the end…I can barely move.

Jan 4
Crankroll Mount: 50
Switch Crankroll Mount:50
Backroll Mount: 100/100
Switch Backroll Mount:50
Seat Wrap:50
Rolling Wrap:50
180 Unispin:50
Koosh Koosh:100/100
Donkey Kick:100/100
Push Mush:50
Switch Push Mush:50
Stand-up Wheelwalk:69/99
180 Stepover:149/149
Pedal Grab:100/150
Up 4set:50
Varial Roll:100/100
Total: 1458/1548

Here’s a little update: I am getting good enough at the 180 unispin to where I think 360s should be a priority - but of course I don’t want to stop practicing the 180, so I will add another slot for the 360 tomorrow, and I am also adding another slot for rolling hops up/down (either up or down objects - I don’t want to make slots for both right now because there’s a lot on my plate already.)

These will be in addition to the 360 hoptwist recently added. I apparently can already do a 360 with a prehop (450 total including the prehop), probably because I’ve been using a torker lx all this time and just upgraded to something much lighter, but I’d like to be able to do it without a prehop, so it’s on the list.

I also added in the glide today. It’s the whole reason why the first trick I learned was wheelwalk, and the second was one-foot wheelwalk, and I just never learned it.

I have a little bit of debt to make up before I add in the two new tricks, so if I don’t clear the debt tonight, then I will add them in the day after tomorrow. It’s not even 8pm yet here, but here is my progress so far for the day with debt shown.
Starting tomorrow, if I clear the debt tonight, it will be 1250 reps/day tomorrow(25 tricks x 50 reps).

Crankroll Mount:50
Switch Crankroll Mount:50
Backroll Mount:50
Switch Backroll Mount:50
Seat Wrap:50
Rolling Wrap:50180 Unispin:50/121
360 Hoptwist:58/58Koosh Koosh:/150
Donkey Kick:76/90
Push Mush:50
Switch Push Mush:5090 Tirehop:50/129
Glide:50Stand-up Wheelwalk:10/108
180 Stepover:50
Pedal Grab:50
High Jump:85/110
Varial Roll:50

There has been a marked improvement in each of these skills, and I expect that to continue, though when school starts back up in ten days, I will have to be more selective in my practice.


I have made some adjustments as per suggestions and ideas from people on this forum, as well as because of some of my own feelings. My right arm is strong but arthritic, so I am going to start doing everything blind that requires arm strength. I am also going to add a few more switch tricks to the list officially to make sure I keep my flat learning even. It will be more difficult - my switch rolling wrap is a joke right now - but I think it will be worth it in the long run. I am also adding rolling hops and switch rolling hops to the list, since they are very important, and I am reducing the amount of reps for less important or easier tricks. Here’s the new list:


Crankroll Mount:/50, Switch Crankroll Mount:/50
Backroll Mount:/50, Switch Backroll Mount:/50
Seat Wrap: /50, Switch Seat Wrap:/50
Rolling Wrap:/50, Switch Rolling Wrap:/50
BLIND 180 Unispin:/50
BLIND 360 unispin:50
BLIND 360 Hoptwist:/50
Koosh Koosh:/25
Donkey Kick:/50
Push Mush:/50, Switch Push Mush:/50
BLIND 90 Tirehop:/25 (This really hurts my back)
Stand-up Wheelwalk:/25
180 Stepover:/25
BLIND 180 Stepover:/25
Pedal Grab:/25, BLIND Pedal Grab:/25
High Jump:/25, BLIND High Jump:/25
Rolling Hop:/50, Switch Rolling Hop:/50
Varial Roll:/50
Total: /1150

The total is the same as it was before. Notice that I am not introducing a switch varial roll because the varial roll is so damn hard that getting it regular will be good enough for now.

I am on schedule and going to achieve the 20,000 reps by the 18th goal if I continue along these lines. In fact, if I continue loyally, it will put me at over 22,000.


something clicked today with turnarounds.

i’ve done at least 5000

it seems for every 1000 more i do i can land 1 more in a row.

so maybe by 30000 i can do 30 in a row…and finally move onto high rails


You have to remember though that you need to learn how to fall off and not get scared doing a turnaround on a high rail.The more you fall and realise its not so bad the more confident you get on the rail and youll be doing 5 in a row on the high rail and maybe 30 in a row on a low rail because of the build in confidence.It’s a skill on its own and is the skill ive been working on for most of my unicycling time.Feel the fear and do it anyway

i definitely agree with that. i think i’m going to start slowly raising the 4x4 with pallets. i’ll put the things the 4x4 sits on on 1 pallet at first, and keep raising it as i get more confidence